Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: eSunny (IBelieveICanFly), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: some tips on TSE
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年08月29日10:17:06 星期三), 站内信件
发信人: lyn (寻找同去U Penn的人),
信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: some tips on TSE
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Aug 21 02:55:23 2000)
Some tips for TSE
I just got to US for 8 weeks. The second day of my landing, I took a SPEAK t
est, scoring 46. Then I took a program of TA training for 7 weeks. After tha
t, I took another SPEAK test, the score was 55 this time. Long time not be h
ere in AdvancEDU board, and I really want to share some feelings with you, w
ho will take the TSE test, and who are determined to persue a degree in US.
First, remember, life is hard here in US. So be prepared. I need to quote
two sayings here: 1. You fail to plan, you plan to fail. I read about thi
s when I was preparing for my visa. I was shocked and regretted not able to
know this earlier. Just put this on mind, such a great truth. Language is im
portant, donnot just TSE for TSE's sake. When you come here in US, you still
need to hone it anyway, and that is really hard, for you will have so many
things on mind. So it is good to practice early and for a long time. 2. Prac
tise makes perfect. I love this one. The way I see it is we need to be de
voted. I saw a joke lately. Qian Kunqiang ate out with some Indians and talk
ed about we Chinese can get 600 on verbal, GRE with ease. The Indians were a
stonished: Can you get an offer without a 700? So, remember, practise for yo
ur high GPA, T, G, TSE for a good school. Now, let me focus on TSE. I got
a 45 last October, and it was really a regret for me. I prepared only 2 hour
s everyday, for two weeks. I spent most of my time in my lab, which really d
id not help much in my application. Here, I really put my heart into it, and
I really appreciate the enviorment here. 1. Pronunciation: We have proble
ms with vowels, but that is not as important as consanants. And if you donno
t have enough time, this is OK. It is really hard to change our British Engl
ish into American English. Every morning at two, when I listen to BBC news,
they are more dear to me:(. As one person put it, we omit the consanant too
much, which is fatal, not understandable, sometimes. This cannot be accompli
shed so soon, so focus next. 2. Rythm: This is the largest part of a foreign
accent. So listen to native speakers and imitate. I suggest the book of Lis
tening to this---3. This is a great course, esp sth from NPR news of 1985, a
uthetic. 3. Topics: I prepared for aobut 200 topics. In fact, my instructor
told me some of them can never be tested, those sound too weird. But prepare
some, such as sports, events, etc. 4. Listening is not equal to speaking, s
o speak as much as possible. I made only one error in TOEFL listening, liste
ned to about 100 tapes during my college years. But I was too lazy to speak.
One is because not convinient to do so in the dorm, other is it is a little
weird to speak English to a Chinese, esp a friend. So I hope you can do h n
o one will believe. So A good organization. This is important. Use as many c
ohesive device as possible. Look for a grammar book and look for some to use
. 7. Grammar. When I come here, I was astonished Americans are so good at gr
ammar. They can pick out your error of formal subject or difficult and long
clause or the use of infinetive form in your speech with ease. They know how
to use words and phrases exactly. It is us whose grammar is not so good: co
mplexing he and she, past and present tense, losing -s or -ed here and there
. So donnot believe in this false image, and try to work on your grammar whe
n speaking, esp when taking a test. 8. Donnot use large and complicated word
s. Chinese are not good at stress. So maybe the rater is totally confused wi
th what you have said, try to use simple ones, if you want to express yourse
lf better. 9. Speak slowly. No one will think your English is poor just beca
use you speak too slow. On the contrary, when you speak too quickly, you may
not be understandable, your intellegibility suffers. I listened to the two
conventions of the two parties here, the politicians all speak slowly. They
think they can take their time and so can you. 10. Formal and informal. Thi
s still confuses me, maybe I need to work more on this myself. 11. Donnot cr
am for the test. I read the supercourse of TSE even on my plane to US. But i
t did not help. When being tested, my mind was totally a mass:( I can only
think of this much. And do believe TSE is just a test, it is not perfect. B
ut you sure can gain a lot while preparing it and speaking, you can benefit
much. When you are in the United States, it is really a difficult endeavor.
I hated Chinese in my high school, but I needed a high score on it, so I wor
ked hard. Then I began to like it:), and I got an extremely high score. So,
if you think TSE is important for you, you really should put some effort ont
o it, and I wish you will succeed. I thank my instructors here and my friend
s on SMTH for their support and help. If you have some questions or want to
discuss with me, you can drop me a mail: Thanks lyn
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