Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: shining (恋曲1990), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: normal前辈的签证总结,经典 (转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年04月08日09:24:24 星期一), 站内信件
发信人: thomasxule (给我visa), 信区: Carolina
标 题: 再贴一把normal前辈的签证总结,经典 (转载)
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Tue Jun 12 16:20:56 2001)
【 以下文字转载自 Visa 讨论区 】
【 原文由 abord 所发表 】
发信人: normal (大头网兔), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: 我的F1签证总结(2000.12.01) (不知版主为何要删除)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Dec 12 08:28:13 2000)
签证终于过了,心情真的一下子轻松起来. 我写这篇文章的唯一理由,
就是希望每个人都能通过签证, 因为,大家都付出了多少努力啊….
A. 一些准备上的感想:
2,强烈建议有一个人陪你一起练习口语,对方照着问题问,你来回答, 多练习几次.
5,建议早点去,因为我293号预约是10:00, 可是我9:20到的时候393号都已经进
6,强烈建议把精华区的签证专题看一下,即使是非重点文章也扫一遍, 对心理有
8,必须有至少30个小时的时间专心准备签证, 或者至少三天时间去全力投入到
分心理脆弱的女生要除外 ^_+ )
12,必须加强口语,不是指练习发音,而是指像说中文一样要发重点音节. 比如,我
说中国电力在"developed rapidly" 美国电力在:"in its dusk and declined" 重点非
学生可以在中国有很好的前途,所以更可能回来. 所以咱们在准备问题时要好好利用这一
B. 准备工作充足的含义:
一句话,必须要无懈可击!!!任何侥幸心理都不可以有啊. 看过武打小说的人都知
道,某些人这个那个都很厉害, 可惜有命门,然后就死得很快. 签证也一样.我的材
料一点问题都没有, 相信几乎所有清华的同学也都完全一样. 可是,那又怎么
样????? 我可以告诉大家,签证官从头到尾根本就没有要我递任何材料 (我也没
有主动给,太主动没必要),也就是说, 我的任何材料他都没有看,学历证明,邀请信,
成绩单, 所有材料都根本没有看,他就拿着我的I20表象看玩具一样得看着. 而
我的材料就一直静静地呆在我的手里,一直到结束. 可是,我的签证轻松么??? 太
困难了! 他一直在问我问题,而且都相当尖锐,我就一直在不停的说, 说了有8到
10分钟. 这个时间已经很长了,不信你可以对着手表自己看一下. 要说明的是:
你写在纸上的答案,你即使在那种紧迫的环境下无法全部记住. (如果你是背下来
了,那更糟!! 因为背诵和说的真实想法是完全不同的表情和语调, 签证官很快就
能判断出来 ) 但是它对于整理你的思路是有着关键性的作用的. 就象我后面贴
的,都是我自己一个字一个字敲的, 然后就象六脉神剑一样,在最危急的时候,全
部都发挥了它们的作用. 所以,纸头准备不可少!
C. 目前的形势
不太好,我这一组三个F1,都是全奖,只有我一个过了. 另外两个都是女生,好可怜.
有一个女生去的学校太差了,另外一个我不知道. 但是,我相信,那个女生被拒的
原因并不是学校太差, 因为学校差通过的人多了,例子可以去水木清华精华区看.
探亲是最容易的,商务基本没戏,除非你护照上已经去过香港西欧了, 或者你的
确是大老板. 秋季是F1的太多了,已经成了洪流,签证官既然第一个类似的都放
过了, 那么即使你用同样的回答,他也会放过了,而且他也懒得问那么多了, 大有
放水的意味. 现在不同了,F1不多,而且我是最后一个,前面两个全部被拒, 这时
的惯性是:他认为F1被拒是很正常的. 所以我认为形势不可能有秋季那么好,大
家不要再抱什么侥幸心理了, 好好准备吧.
D. 签证官的心理
他的任务是确认你没有他不希望的情况,这句话怎么讲? 对F1,他的思路是:
2,你真的有钱么? 关键看I20表.不多说了.
3,你真的会回来么? 这是关键!你必须要澄清自己,为自己辨白. 签证官的默认值
是你已经被怀疑是想移民不回来了! 强烈建议去美国大使馆主页看一看签证处
上的一些内容. 具体到我,他不怀疑我的前两问,所以他根本没有看我的材料, 只
E. 他的问题(我只记得这么多了)
答:(我愣了一会,因为我没有准备过这个问题) **教授.
答:(我愣了一会,因为我没有准备过这个问题) 有,有一个.
F 签证官问问题的心理分析及其对策
你知道怎么审问犯人么????? 先问:你的名字是什么啊?你住哪里啊?家里几口
人啊? 然后突然问道:你**月**日干什么去了??? 如果你是罪犯,很容易乱了阵
脚,因为你已经放松警惕, 习惯于轻松的说了. 遇到实质性问题,很容易不经大
签证官也一样,有的问题就是给你送分的,让你轻松回答. 然后突然到一个关键
问题,你如果没有根深蒂固地想清楚, 就会回答地很惨. 比如,你背的那么点东
那么,对策是什么? 你还记得考试的对策是什么吗? 对,只有一个,那就是把知
签证的对策也是一样,就是: 把融会贯通,把回国的理由真正想清楚,要首先自
己说服自己. 准备签证,本身也是自己对自己人生未来的一种梳理.
附录:我准备的问题与答案,希望能有点作用 希望每个人都能过.
对于签证的问题,一定要口语化,一定要坚定,语言要有力。 句子简短,有
◆ What will you study in the United States?
◆ What do you want to study in USA?
◆ What is your purpose to USA?
◆ What will you do in USA?
◆ What are you going to do in the United States?
◆ Are you going to study in USA? Yes. And
I will study for my Ph.D. Degree in the department of Electrical Engineering
**** University.
◆ Why do you go to **** University?
◆ Why do you choose this University?
◆ Why do you go to this University?
**** University is one of the best universities in America, especially in
Engineering. Furthermore, **** ranks top twentieth in the area of Electrical
Engineering according to USNews. So I am very glad to have a chance to study
◆ What is your major?
◆ In what aspect of your major will you study?
◆ What do you want to study in USA? My major is electric power system.
My speciality is the deregulation of electric power system, in another word,
◆ (After the last question, the VO keep silent)
◆ Can you say something about it?
◆ What is it?
◆ What is it for?
◆ What is your favorite subject?
◆ What does your major mean?
◆ What will you study in this major?
◆ What courses?
You know, in the past, the electric power system is under strict regulation
all over
the world. However, many countries, such as America, Argentina and so on, h
introduced the concept of Power Market. It is really a great idea and it pro
great benefit. China has also decided to give freedom to utilities and intr
power market. However, after the deregulation of electric power system, the
computation and analysis of electric power system become more complex and
challenging than ever before. In the traditional generation scheduling, the
of operation keeps stable because there is little concernment on economic f
Accordingly, the security problem is rather minor. However, under a deregula
environment, the unit commitment always changes greatly because of the
irregularity of the nonlinear generator cost curve. Therefore, congestion
management software is quite necessary to correct any possible security pro
in the generation scheduling. In the online application of congestion manage
the traditional objective is always the minimum correction. Then it is able
reduce the restoration time under such an emergent situation. A fast Linear
Programming algorithm for the network-constrained static optimization is
introduced. And the nonlinear generator cost curve for economic objective is
considered. In addition, some techniques, such as the dual-relaxation method
the reduced basis technique, are utilized to increase the computation speed.
In fact,
there are only few Chinese professors who are familiar with power market. So
I am
going to study the Power Market in America. I believe what I have learned in
America will help me greatly to have a much more promising future in China.
◆ When and where did you get your Bachelor and Master degree?
◆ What is your academic background?
I got both my Bachelor Degree and Master Degree at Tsinghua University in
1998 and 2000 separately. The majors are both Electrical Engineering.
◆ What are you studying now?
◆ Where are you studying now?
◆ What are you doing now?
◆ What did you do with your Master work?
I get my Master Degree from Tsinghua University this summer and stay there
work. My work is the research and development of software in electric powe
system. I have already several publications in IEEE winter meeting and summe
meeting this year. They are mainly about the computation and analysis of ele
power system and power market. Do you want to see them now?
◆ How long will you study in USA?
The Doctor Degree is going to be completed in four or five years. However, I
I could get my Degree in three years because I have already get a Master De
in the same major. And I have many useful experiences in electric power mar
◆ Have you got any scholarship?
Yes. **** give me a full fellowship. The name of my fellowship is "Electric
Power and Power electronics Scholarship". In fact, it is even more than the
I need. And, if I remain in good academic standing, **** will renew my
◆ What if you do not have financial award for the second year?
As far as I know, if I remain in good academic recording, **** will be sure
renew my fellowship. And I am an excellent student in Tsinghua University,
so I
don't think I'll encounter any problem in getting good academic recording an
renewing such financial support.
◆ What will you do with your work for this Ph.D.?
I'll take courses for the first years, and then begin my dissertation resear
ch for the
following years.
◆ What is your purpose for the visa?
I need F-one visa to pursue my Ph.D. degree at **** University.
◆ How do you know this University?
I got to know it from one professor. Her name is ****, and she is in **** n
She told me that **** has very good academic reputation in engineer and the
have done a lot of work in electric power market. In fact, it is her who
recommended me to ****.
◆ What is your plan?
◆ What will you do after graduation?
◆ What do you plan to do when you go back?
I have two plans after I come back to China. First, I want to seek a teachin
g and
research position in Tsinghua University or Wuhan University. Currently I wo
rk in
Tsinghua University as a research assistant already. On the same time, I hav
stayed in Tsinghua University for almost eight years and I like it really. S
o, it is
extremely attractive for me to be a professor in Tsinghua University. Anothe
choice for me is to found a company myself or join some big enterprises suc
h as
HuaWei Company, Legend Company and so on. I want to develop some software
used in electric power system. You know, the electric power market requires
a lot
of softwares to control it. Since China has decided to begin its deregulatio
n in
Power System, I am very clear that such software will be successful greatly.
What I
learn in America will help me greatly in these plans.
◆ Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?
Really? If really so, I think everyone has his or her own reasons. But as fa
r as I
know, these years more and more students have chosen to come back when they
graduate in America. In fact, I know many professors in Tsinghua University
came back from America. As to me, I am sure I will come back because: (然后针
◆ Give me three reasons that you will come back to China.
◆ Why won't you stay in the States?
◆ Can you promise that you will not be attracted?
First, I am sure that it is much easier for a person like me to get a good
position in China. Chinese power industry develops rapidly these years. For
example, San-Xia Water Power Plant is under construction. So, China needs a
number of persons who is familiar with electric power system, just like me.
number of Chinse professors in the fields of electric power system increases
rapidly. On the contrary, American electric power industry is in its dusk al
And, the number of American professors in power system is declined. So, sinc
e my
major is electric power system, it will be much more promising for me to co
back to China than to America. This reason is the most important one to me.
Second, I would like to contribute what I have learned to my country. It is
a simple
but deep feeling. I think such a feeling is in the heart of people all over
the world.
America is not my country, but China is. Third, I want to come back to look
my dear parents. They are near sixties. You know, they are professors in Wuh
University and they are respected in China. And they do not want to live in
America because they have no friends in Amrecia. So I will come back to look
after my parents. I think there should be some more reasons, but these reas
are enough already. In fact, any one of them will be enough to bring me back
◆ If you can not find such a position, what will you do?
If so, I will change to my second choice. I would like to found a company m
You know, the electric power market requires a lot of software to control it
. What I
learn in America will help me greatly in produce such software. And I am ver
clear that such software will be successful greatly.
◆ What will your salary be then?
After I come back to China, I am sure my salary will be at least ten thousan
d Yuan
per month, or even more. And, I think at that time my work is mainly researc
h and
academic work. Such a change in work is also very important to me. You know,
like research.
◆ How much can a professor earn?
As far as I know, many professors in Tsinghua University earn more than ten
thousand Yuan per month. The salary of professors in Tsinghua University is
rapidly now. As to my boss, he is also a professor in Tsinghua University, I
he earns even much more. And I want to be a person like him. If I could get
PH.D degree in America, it will help me greatly to turn me dream true.
◆ Why do you like your major?
First, I like not only the abstract courses such as mathematics, but also
realistic application in industry. I think electric power system is really a
major in these aspects. Second, my parent's profession is about the construc
tion of
both dam and water power plant, for example, San-Xian Water Power Plant.
Naturally I am very interested in electric power system, which is the ultim
object of power plant.
◆ Why do you choose US but not Canada or Germany?
◆ Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree in the USA?
◆ Why not a PH.D degree in China?
America has the most advanced technology and science in the world. I want
learn the technology in America. Then I could not only be more open-minded b
also have a much more promising future after I come back to China. (如有必要
◆ Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?
I want to get a teaching and research position in Tsinghua University. You
my father is a professor in Wuhan University. And my current boss is also a
professor in Tsinghua University. However, without a PH.D degree, I could n
be a professor in famous Chinese universities. I do not like my current wor
k. It
need me always be on business. On the other hand, I am an outstanding studen
when I am in Tsinghua University. My GPA is always top 5 percents in my
department. So why not study further after I get my master degree?
◆ Why do you receive financial aid from this University?
◆ Why can you get scholarship?
◆ Why this university gave you the aid (funding)? I am an outstanding
student in Tsinghua University. And I have both Bachelor and Master
degree in Electrical Engineering. Furthermore, I have done a lot of
research at the electric power system already. So, I think such academic
background should match the program very well.
◆ What's the difference between your current major and the major in US
I don't think there is too much difference between them. That is to say, I
will continue my research in electric power system in America.
◆ When and where did you take the GRE test?
◆ When did you take the TOEFL test?
◆ How much is your TOEFL score?
I took my GRE test at Beijing in October this year. The total score is two
thousand two hundred and ten. I took my TOEFL test at Beijing in August this
And the total score is six hundred and seventeen.
◆ Where will you live?
I will live in the dormitory of ****. I've applied for the dormitory through
professor Huang of ****.
◆ Where do you live?
I work in Tsinghua University, so I live in the dormitory of Tsinghua Unive
normally. In holidays, I come back to Wuhan University to live with my pare
◆ How many universities have you applied? Which?
In fact, I have applied for only one university, and it is **** University.
Before I
apply, I have contacted the professors in ****. And when I begin to apply fo
r this
university, I had already been sure that they would give me the offer. You
see, I
do not take GRE until October and I get the formal offer after only one mon
**** University is one of the best universities in the United States, especi
ally in
Engineering. Furthermore, **** ranks top 20 in the area of Electrical
Engineering. So I accept the offer and am very glad to have such a chance t
study in ****. That is why I do not apply for any other universities at all
◆ What kind of good things do you know about America?
◆ What is the thing you like best in America?
America has the most advanced technology and science in the world. I want to
learn them and then I could have a much more promising future after I come
back to China.
◆ What is the thing you like best in China?
Chinese Culture, such as poem LiSao. It is written two thousand years ago. T
author is QuYuan, a great poet of my hometown.
◆ What is the thing you don't like most in China?
Environment Pollution. However, each nation has its best and worst. So I thi
such problems have nothing to do with my love to my motherland.
◆ Who do you know in USA?
In United States? Well, perhaps only the professors in ****.
◆ Have you ever been in America before?
◆ Have you ever been to other countries?
◆ Have you ever gone abroad?
No, never.
◆ When are you going to enter US?
In the third January, about five weeks later.
※ 修改:·normal 於 Dec 12 08:29:55 修改本文·[FROM:]
※ 修改:·normal 於 Dec 12 08:44:09 修改本文·[FROM:]
※ 修改:·normal 於 Dec 12 08:45:04 修改本文·[FROM:]
Current Status
Applied: 15(USA)+1(Cananda)
Offers:1 (NCSU)
Admissions: 2 ( UMN, ISU )
Rejections: 10 ( CMU, UCB, UIUC, UTexas-Austin, Cornel, Wisconsin-Madison,
UMCP, UCSB, Dartmouth, UMass )
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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