Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: warrior (金刚), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 五分之一奖签证经历
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sat May 1 16:29:01 1999), 转信
lcdos已经在米国了,想起这几年来的风风雨雨, 吃过的苦, 经过的大喜大悲,
在米国又在短短的几个月间经历了许多, 可以说在这个小地方光国人就形
形色色, 遑论异类! 近来总是想说些什么. 但那也是过去的事了, 还是讲讲本
人的五分之一奖签证经历吧, 也许对后来者有点用.lcdos今年算联系的不好
的, 总结起来就是省小钱吃了大亏, 我没有寄一份正式的GRE成绩全是复印
件,于是结果很差, 最后等来了一个小学校的tuition waiver, 还不是全免, 只
免掉了10个学分中的四个, 还要求五月十五号以前存七千多刀在学校作
押金. 怎么办? 走到了这一步, 不能再回头!! 父母对我说, 你毕业了一年能
挣多少, 咱们这一年能花多少?再说你的一年时间能就这样等待么? 没钱,
我们自己去! 我惴惴不安地开始办各种手续, 每天都在想怎样以后刷盘子
. 有时睡觉都在想.筹钱的细节我就不多讲了,总之五月三十号我手上的I-20
a. Student's personal funds $ 13896.00
b. Funds from this school $ 4872.00
c. Funds from another source $ 0.0
d. On-campus employment $ 0.09. Remarks
Mr. XXXXX has already paid $13,946 to cover the security and tuition
虽然如此, 实在不敢说最后会如何, 因为早就听说签证官的喜怒无常, 走不
走得了都是疑问, 六月就是在这种沉闷中度过的, 其间还得作毕业设计, 还
有毕业的分别, 心情确实很乱. 现在想起来很感谢带我毕设的叶老师, 她对
我老不出活没说什么, 但最后我还是作了点东西出来.
订火车票了, 我想不清除我应该什么时候离开北京, 于是订了一张比较靠
后的日子, 准离京前去碰碰运气. 其间还有过INTEL的招聘, 正好要我这个
地方户口的, 我想反正我过几天要去大使馆面试, 索性去练一练. 后来结果
六月三十号好象是周五, 在复习了几天飞跃重洋的问答题后, 早上我从南
门打了一辆破破的面的去秀水街. 七点四十到的时候拿到了二百七十九号
, 等到八点四十的时候打了一辆车去东交民巷拿护照, 大约九点四十才回
到秀水街, 接着排我的队, 一边和北大的两个老兄乱聊.
十点多的时候, 有个鬼子跑出来, 拿着一些不干胶的细纸条, 说是人太多
, 今天只能办这些, 于是往人们的护照上贴. 可气的是,她从队尾开始发,
一时间乱作一团. 还好我抢到一张什么都不是的那个破纸条.
十二点左右, 我没吃早饭的肚子快让我站不住的时候, 我到了院子门口,
交了钱, 一点不惊讶地被指示去interview.
来到里面, 我好笑地发现我们一直在谈论的决定我们的命运的地方竟然
和我们的七食堂一样, 许多人排在各个窗口, 递一些东西进去, 等另外一
到一号窗口让一个中国小姐检查一番交钱的收据后, 被指示排到了专签
F-1的二号队伍. 开始了漫长的等待. 我后面的一个老兄也是咱们清华的
, 半奖. 另外几个窗口人不多, 有时没人.
轮到我站在队伍的最前端时, 没有想到的事情发生了, 没人了一段时间的
五号窗口的黑发女郎叽叽古古通过speaker 说了几句, 我实在是听不清.
然而我后面的老兄大踏步地走上前去, 开始了how do u do. 我才明白过
来, 她是要人过去. 这次时间是让人提心吊胆地长, 然而好象那兄弟对答
如流的样子. 在十多分钟后我们怀疑他没戏的时候, 他走到了右边六号去
. 黑发女郎又说了些什么, 这次我听懂了:
The student waiting in line 2, are you ready to see me now?
在半秒钟的迟疑中, 我转过了这样的念头: 鬼子叫上门来了, 我能不去么,
我终于走向前去, 开始了我的 how do you do!
lcdos: How do you do!
asian like woman: how do u do! why do you wish to study in USA?
lcdos: I wish to pursue my degree in USA because I think it would be
better for my future to work in a chinese university.
asian like woman: What is your major?
lcdos: I am going to learn Mechanical Engineering, the same as my
asian like woman: The same as your bachelor?
lcdos: yes.asian like woman: Why do you choose this university? Don't
tell me something ordinary.lcdos: Because I think this university is best
for my area, There are three university give me financial aid, but i think
this university is suitable for my intended research because of the faculty
and facilities.
asian like woman: Now tell me something about yourself.
lcdos: Let me introduce say something about my major, it is very interesting
asian like woman: forget about this. (she broke in)(she began to put
emphasis on the money)
asian like woman: What do your father do for a living?
lcdos: My parents are both university professors, and my father also runs his
own company.
asian like woman: What kind of job does he do?
lcdos: We design pharma-factory for our customers, and sell the technology
to them.
asian like woman: How much do your father earn each year?
lcdos: about 20,000 dollars.
asian like woman: In dollars?
lcdos: I just changed the amount into dollars from chinese currency.
asian like woman: What if you can not get financial aid after the first year?
lcdos: (紧张, 想词, 推脱) it is a difficult question.
asian like woman: yes, it is!
(asian like woman turned to say something with another man beside, I did
not hear what, seems nonsense)(she turned back)
asian like woman: you haven't answered my question.
lcdos: I think i am a very good student and I am sure to get the research
assistantship or teaching assistantship.
asian like woman: Don't tell me this, What if you can not get?
lcdos: (实在没办法了) I think my family will continue to support me.(实际上我后
来感觉这是最重要的一句) (now some trivial things)(she began to ask the
nonorious question she has)
asian like woman: Who do you think alive, except the president and his wife
, is the most famous person in US?
lcdos: (有些糊涂了) nixsoon.
asian like woman: I said alive!
lcdos: (remembered some other's answer seen on AdvancedEdu) Sorry,
I made a mistake. then ... Bill Gates!!
asian like woman: (turn to the man she had talked before) bill gates?(the
man nodded)
asian like woman: Now tell me the most interesting thing in your life!
lcdos: (giving a bad answer, 不过已不重要了) Several days ago, Intel
offered me a job, but I did not accept it.
asian like woman: That is not interesting.lcdos: (silence, can not think of
something else)
asian like woman: Although, I will issue it to you!
lcdos: thank you!
asian like woman: Please goto window six and wait.lcdos: yes, thank you.
整个过程历时十数分钟, 心并没有跳的厉害, 只是完了以后我不相信地问
自己: 成了, 我一次签成了? 我本打算七月底回来, 签上十次八次的.出得大
使馆来, 早已经忘记饥饿, 只是眼泪有点想出来, 急着往家里打电话. 却被
打探消息的人们围住, 讯问我这非全奖的问题.
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