Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: us (祝大家美梦成真), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: caleb的往来通信之一
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Apr 29 16:25:28 2000), 转信
Urgent Questions about Admission to Graduate Program!
Dear Sir/Madam:
My name is Caleb, and I'm
currently studying for my master's in
management engineering at Northwestern
University in "Chicago", P.R.China. I hope
to have a chance to study at your university
in the fall term of 1999 . My goal is to
apply for an M.S or Ph.d in Industrial
Engineering, Engineering Management or
related fields.
I took the GRE general test on April
1996 and TOEFL on May 1998. I think I got
excellent scores on the two prequisite tests
(GRE verbal:600,quantitive 790; TOEFL 657.)
Also I have been ranking among the top %5
students in my class both as a undergraduate
and graduate student because of my hard
work and intelligence.
I have visited your WWW site for
some basic information.Your school is pretty
attractive and I really became interested in
your graduate program.Now it is necessary for
me to find out more information to help me
make the final decision to apply.
I have a number of questions,the answers
to which will help me decide whether it's
appropriate for me to apply to your program.
I hope these questions aren't too much
trouble to answer.
1. In terms of successful applicants in
the past ,what type of undergraduate
courses taken seem to be more essential
in gaining admission to the industrial
engineering program? I'm curious because,
both as an undergraduate and graduate
student, my classes have been divided
between engineering and management-type
2. Does the application for the graduate
industrial engineering program require
a subject GRE test?
3. Is the TSE (Test of Spoken English )
required for applying financial aid, for
example, T.A. or R.A?
4. What kind of financial aid is offered?
What type of financial aid have
traditionally been offered,if any, to
foreign first-year students? Do any of
these types of financial aid cover
living expenses?
5. Are there any specific minimum GPA, GRE and
TOEFL scores for international students
who want to get financial aid(I mean
T.A. or R.A.)? If not, could you give me
a rough range?
6. Could you give me more detailed information
about your faculty members? I ask this question
because I found the information on your website
is far from being enough.
Thank you very much for taking the time
to answer these questions. If you by any chance
can not answer these questions, please do tell me
whom I should contact and his or her e-mail adddress.
Your kindness will be greatlty appreciated in advance.
Please reply as soon as possible.
p.s. my mailing address is:
Northwestern University
Mailbox #417
"Chicago, Michigan"
P.R.China, 100000
这是我98年第一次申请时留下的摸版。 比较罗嗦。换个角度说就是很详细。
请注意这不是用来要材料(申请表格)的。 要材料非常之简单,只要给GRAD SCHOOL
发E-MAIL, 写上要表格, 地址,还要FINANIAL AID足够了。我不想再提。
这里的6个问题是问系里的小米的问题。 尤其是关于FINANCIAL AID的问题。
我自始自终是很关心的,没有钱, 甭管什么牛X学校一律靠边站(是不是太势利了?
请您自己结合自己的情况进行修改。 估计查不太多。
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