Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: us (祝大家美梦成真), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: caleb的往来通信之三
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Apr 29 16:26:13 2000), 转信
Questions conerning submitting application packet.
Before i submit the application packet, i hope you can
help answer the following questions:
1. what is the date of the deadline for considering
financial aid. Also do you compare the postmark of P.R.China
or U.S to the deadline?
2. I hate to bring it up again, but it is really hard for
me to pay the application fee in U.S. dollar. I am considering
letting one of my friend in U.S. to pay for me, but she doesn't own
a credit card. please tell me the detailed process for this case
---how can she pay for me on my behalf. Thanks a lot. Please believe,
I am very serious at applying to your program.
3. if i plan to apply online, do you feel it will be processed
much more faster than snail-mailed applying?
4. the last question is: do you have a rolling process or
collect all the applcation materials and then process together?
i.e. do you recommend earlier action for considering financial aid?
if you do, i'd like to submit mine as early as possible, but i
have to defer paying the application fee for a short period.
Thank you very much for answering them.
Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
当时是99年11月中旬吧。 材料基本准备的差不多了, 第一轮的哭穷信
已经发出去了。 当然结果很掺, 于是我借着问两个问题的机会再次耍赖。
现在看太没必要了。 也太幼稚了。如果有钱的话, 千万别来这一套了,
2个问题是问可否ONLINE APPLY 和邮戳的问题。 请自己看。 很好懂。
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