发信人: netangel.bbs@bbs.dlut.edu.cn (网络天使), 信区: cnlinux
标  题: 轻轻松松安装 Linux (7)
发信站: 碧海青天 (Sun Nov 30 19:49:54 1997)
转信站: Lilac!ustcnews!ustcnews!sjtunews!DUT
出  处: rose.dlut.edu.cn

□ 指定安装来源 (Source)

    接下来我们要指定用什麽方式安装, 以下画面就是询问用什麽方
法来安装, 其实也就是问存放媒体是什麽。 以下五种方法中, NFS
应该算是轻松愉快的安装方法, 假如读者可以上 Internet网路, 或
者您区域网路中已经有 NFS server, 且其内存放有 Slackware Linux
软体, 这就可以用 NFS安装。 以下笔者五种方法全部做介绍, 不过
读者们选择其中之一参考即可, 其他跳过去无妨。

    其实这五个安装方法都有其类似之处, 就是无论哪一种方法, 都
必须在安装之前或过程, 把安装来源 (软碟、硬碟、CD-ROM 或 NFS
等等) 挂 (Mount) 在安装软体系统 (其实已经是一个阳春 Linux系
统) 之下的一个目录。 以硬碟来安装来说, 很多朋友的作法是先把
Linux系统软体存放在同一部电脑的硬碟内 DOS 系统分割区内, 这情
况的作法, 是把该 DOS 分割区挂上来, 并指定切确路径。 CD-ROM
安装法也很类似, 但我们必须先拿支援该品牌 CD-ROM 的bootdisk,
启动後把 CD-ROM drive挂上来成为系统的一部份, 并指定切确路径。
NFS 也是一样, 不过一些起码网路基本常识要具备, 程序上也类似,
只不过多了一道网路设定程序, 网路设定成功後, 把远端 NFS server
所 export 的目录挂上来。

    以上所描述的操作动作, 并不需要透过命令执行, 而是在萤幕画
面上回答一些问题或者做一些选择即可。 细节的操作请看下面例子。


    选择磁片安装的话, 我们必须事先拷贝所有的磁片, 要嘛从CD-ROM
拷贝下来, 或者从 Internet FTP 档案库, 或者从 BBS或任何地方都
可以。 确定您要由磁片安装後, 操作上下方向键, 把反白移至选项
″2″, 之後按 <Enter> 键。

<< 画面 5-28 >>
        __________________  SOURCE MEDIA SELECTION ____________________
□       □ Where do you plan to install Slackware Linux from?           
□       □                                                              
□       □ __________________________________________________________   
□       □□         1  Install from a hard drive partition           
□□       □□         2  Install from floppy disks                     
□□       □□         3  Install via NFS                               
□□       □□         4  Install from a pre-mounted directory          
□□       □□         5  Install from CD-ROM                           
□□       □ __________________________________________________________ 
□□        ______________________________________________________________ 
□       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        ______________________________________________________________ □ 

     接下来步骤是选择磁碟机规格, 其中有四个选项, <在画面 5-29>

<< 画面 5-29 >>
       ______________________ SELECT FLOPPY DRIVE ______________________
□      □ The base Slackware series (A) can be installed from 1.2M       
□      □ or 1.44M media. Most of the other disks will not fit on        
□      □ 1.2M media, but can be downloaded to your hard drive and       
□      □ installed from there later.                                    
□      □                                                                
□      □ Which drive do you want to install from?                       
□      □ ____________________________________________________________ 
□□      □□               /dev/fd0H1440  1.44M drive a:                
□□      □□               /dev/fd1H1440  1.44M drive b:                
□□      □□               /dev/fd0h1200  1.2M drive a:                 
□□      □□               /dev/fd1h1200  1.2M drive b:                 
□□      □ ____________________________________________________________ 
□□      □                                                                
□       ________________________________________________________________ 
□      □                    <  OK  >      <Cancel>                      
□       ________________________________________________________________

NFS网路 安装法

    透过 NFS 安装其实没有想像困难, 以下的操作过程, 一开始先
设定 NFS 网路部份, 我们要指定我们这机机器的 IP, 以及网路上另
外一部 NFS server的 IP, 接著, 我们指定该 server的档案存放路
径, 就是这样。

    至於有关於网路的技术部份, 我们在此完全没有解释, 比方以下
所需要的基本网路资料, 像是本机器的 IP地址、 Netmask、 Broadcast
及 Gateway 位址等等资料, 您必须自行询问您所属网路管理单位, 不
要引用下面资料。 至於网路上公开性的 NFS server, 交大资工提供有这
服务, 其 NFS server IP 地址是 (linux.csie.nctu.edu.tw)
, 其存放路径是 /Slcakware (请注意大小写)。

<< 画面 5-30 >>
        __________________  SOURCE MEDIA SELECTION ____________________
□       □ Where do you plan to install Slackware Linux from?           
□       □                                                              
□       □ __________________________________________________________ 
□□       □□         1  Install from a hard drive partition           
□□       □□         2  Install from floppy disks                     
□□       □□         3  Install via NFS                               
□□       □□         4  Install from a pre-mounted directory          
□□       □□         5  Install from CD-ROM                           
□□       □ __________________________________________________________ 
□□        ______________________________________________________________ 
□       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        ______________________________________________________________ □

    以下讯息浏览一下, 之後按 <Enter>, 开始进行设定 NFS client。
<< 画面 5-31 >>
       ____________________ INSTALLATION THROUGH NFS 
□                                                                 □      □ 
WARNING! Installing via NFS can be a real time-saver if you're  □      □ 
good with TCP/IP, but is a tricky installation choice for the   □      □ 
beginner. Some of the things you may have to do to get this     □      □ 
option to work include:                                         □      
□                                                                 □      □ 
-- Setting up an /etc/networks file on the bootdisk             □      □ -- 
Mandatory: getting the source directory exported from        □      □    
your NFS server                                              □      □ -- 
Starting up 'portmap'                                        □      
□                                                                 □      □ 
Are you sure you want to try to install via NFS?                □      
□                                                                 □       
□                      < Yes >      <  No  >                      □       
    下面画面回答所安装这部机器的 IP 地址。

<< 画面 5-32 >>
        ______________________ ASSIGN IP ADDRESS 
□                                                              □       □ 
You will need to enter the IP address you wish to            □       □ 
assign to this machine. Example:             □       
□                                                              □       □ 
What is your IP address?                                     □       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□□                                              □□       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□                                                              □        
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 

    下面回答 Netmask。

<< 画面 5-33 >>
        ______________________  ASSIGN NETMASK 
□                                                              □       □ 
Now we need to know your netmask.                            □       □ 
Typically this will be                         □       □ but 
this can be different depending on                       □       □ your 
local setup.                                            □       
□                                                              □       □ 
What is your netmask?                                        □       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□□                                              □□       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□                                                              □        
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 

    以下填入 Broadcast 地址。

<< 画面 5-34 >>
        __________________ ASSIGN BROADCAST ADDRESS ___________________ 
□       □ Typically your broadcast address will be the same as         
□       □ your IP address with 255 replacing the final value.          
□       □ Example:                                     
□       □                                                              
□       □ What is your broadcast address?                              
□       □ ___________________________________________________________  
□       □□                                              
□□       □ ___________________________________________________________  
□       □                                                              
□        _______________________________________________________________ 
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 


<< 画面 5-35 >>
        __________________  ASSIGN NETWORK ADDRESS 
□                                                              □       □ 
Now we need your network address.                            □       
□                                                              □       □ 
Your network address will usually be the same as your IP     □       □ 
address, with the last value replaced by 0.                  □       □ For 
example:                                   □       
□                                                              □       □ 
What is your network address?                                □       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□□                                                □□       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□                                                              □        
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 

    底下再问, 您这部机器需不需要经过 Gateway才能连线出去。
由於笔者示范是透过内部网路安装, 所以没有 Gateway。 不过, 绝
大部分 Internet 连线的机器, 是有 Gateway的。

<< 画面 5-36 >>
____________________________□                         □  Do you have a 
gateway?   □                         □                           
____________________________□                         □   < Yes >      <  
No  >   □                          ____________________________□ 
     下面回答 NFS server 所在 IP 地址, 在台湾的读者, 若有
Internet 连线的话, 以下可以填入, 或者其他
您知道有提供此服务的机器的 IP 地址也行。

<< 画面 5-37 >>
      __________________ ENTER IP ADDRESS OF NFS SERVER 
□                                                                   □     □ 
Good! We're all set on the local end, but now we need to know     □     □ 
where to find the software packages to install. First, we need    □     □ 
the IP address of the machine where the Slackware sources are     □     □ 
stored.                                                           □     
□                                                                   □     □ 
What is the IP address of your NFS server?                        □     □ 
□□                                                   □□     □ 
□                                                                   □     
□                                                                   □     
□                                                                   □      
□                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                       □      
    底下问说, 本机器之网路界面卡是外接式, 或者是一般内接式,

<< 画面 5-38 >>
      ____________________ ETHERNET DEVICE SELECTION _____________________ 
□     □ Slackware can configure either an INTERNAL ethernet card, or an   
□     □ EXTERNAL D-Link adaptor.                                          
□     □                                                                   
□     □ Which type of ethernet device do you have?                        
□     □ 
□□              Internal  Internal ethernet card                 □□     
□□              External  External D-Link adaptor                □□     □ 
□                                                                   □      
□                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                       □      

    下面回答 该 NFS server存放 Slackware Linux系列软体之路径。
<< 画面 5-39 >>
        __________________  SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY ___________________
□       □  There must be a directory on the server with the Slackware  
□       □  sources for each disk in subdirectories beneath it.         
□       □                                                              
□       □  The installation script needs to know the name of the       
□       □  directory on your server that contains the disk             
□       □  subdirectories. For example, if your A3 disk is found at    
□       □  /slackware/a3, then you would respond: /slackware           
□       □                                                              
□       □  What is the Slackware source directory?                     
□       □ ___________________________________________________________  
□       □□root/slackware-2.0.2                                      
□□       □ ___________________________________________________________  
□        _______________________________________________________________ 
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 

<< 画面 5-40 >>

We'll switch into text mode here so you can see if you have any errors.

We'll switch into text mode here so you can see if you have any errors.
Configuring ethernet card...
Mounting NFS...
mount: failed, reason given by server:
No such file or directory
Current mount table:
/dev/fd0 on / type minix (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hdb1 on /mnt type ext2 (rw)
Do you think you need to try this again ([y]es, [n]o)?
    上面是最後一个问题, 这里是问说, 我们要不要再事一次, 通常
我们从萤幕上并没有看到错误讯息的话, 就可以回答 y 。 本例子中,
由於路径回答错误, 所以我必须回答 n, 之後, 从新来一次。

□ 硬碟安装法

     前面说过, 从硬碟安装很简单。 底下我就是过程实际示范出来。
     至於以下我们选择 1 或选择与 4  其实是一样的, 不同的是,
选项 4可以配合我们事先手工挂上来的目录, 而不论来源是硬碟、
NFS 或 CD-ROM drive。 以底下 < 画面 5-42 > 的操作来说, 我们
先要哪一个硬碟分割区,  之後再决定目录的路径以及档案属性等等

<< 画面 5-41 >>
        __________________  SOURCE MEDIA SELECTION 
□                                                              □       □ 
Where do you plan to install Slackware Linux from?           □       
□                                                              □       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□□         1  Install from a hard drive partition           □□       
□□         2  Install from floppy disks                     □□       
□□         3  Install via NFS                               □□       
□□         4  Install from a pre-mounted directory          □□       
□□         5  Install from CD-ROM                           □□       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □        
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 
    选择选项 1 硬碟安装後, 我们进一步要指定分割区所在。 下面
画面中, 由於我 Slackware Linux 软体放在第一个硬碟的第一个分割
区, 我回答 /dev/hda1。 假如您不清楚哪一个分割区, 可以光按
<Enter> 键, 这可以浏览您硬碟内所有的分割区。

<< 画面 5-42 >>
      ____________________ INSTALLING FROM HARD DISK _____________________ 
□     □ In order to install directly from the hard disk you must          
□     □ have a partition with a directory containing the Slackware        
□     □ distribution such that each disk other than the boot disk         
□     □ is contained in a subdirectory. For example, if the               
□     □ distribution is in /stuff/slack, then you have to have            
□     □ directories named /stuff/slack/a1, /stuff/slack/a2, and so        
□     □ on each containing the files that would be on that disk.          
□     □ You may install from DOS, HPFS, or Linux partitions.              
□     □ Please enter the partition where the Slackware sources can        
□     □ be found, or [enter] to see a partition list:                     
□     □                                                                   
□     □ 
□□dev/hda1                                                       □□     □ 
□                                                                   □      
□                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                       □      
    接下来画面我们要回答路径所在, 这里我回答 /slakware, 这路
径实际上是 C:\SLAKWARE。

<< 画面 5-43 >>
        __________________  SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY ___________________
□       □ Now we need to know what directory on this partition         
□       □ the Slackware sources can be found in. (The directory        
□       □ in which the subdirectories for each disk is found)          
□       □ NOTE: You must give the directory name relative to the       
□       □ top of the partition.  So, for example, if you're going      
□       □ to mount this partition under /usr, don't include the        
□       □ '/usr'at the beginning of the pathname.                      
□       □                                                              
□       □ What directory are the Slackware sources in?                 
□       □                                                              
□       □ ___________________________________________________________  
□       □□slakware                                                  
□□       □ ___________________________________________________________  
□       □                                                              
□        _______________________________________________________________ 
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 
    接下来还要指定档案属性, 由於是 DOS C: 磁碟, 我选 1 。

<< 画面 5-44 >>
        __________________  SELECT FILESYSTEM TYPE 
____________________□       □ What type of filesystem does your Slackware 
source           □       □ partition 
contain?                                           □       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□□           1  FAT (MS-DOS, DR-DOS, OS/2)                  □□       
□□           2  Linux Second Extended Filesystem            □□       
□□           3  Linux Xiafs                                 □□       
□□           4  Linux MINIX                                 □□       
□□           5  OS/2 HPFS                                   □□       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □        
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 

□ CD-ROM 安装法
    CD-ROM 的安装方法也一样简单, 不过记得先知道您的 CD-ROM类
型, 并且因此选择一个恰当的 bootdisk。 有关选择 bootdisk 的根
据, 您必须先了解您的唯独光碟机的类型或品牌, 之後参考下表, 至

    SCSI CD-ROM:                  scsi.gz
    Panasonic 562B/562B:          sbpcd.gz
    Mitsumi CD-ROM:               mitsumi.gz
    SONY CDU31A 及 535 CD-ROM:    cdu31a.gz

<< 画面 5-45 >>
        __________________  SOURCE MEDIA SELECTION 
□                                                              □       □ 
Where do you plan to install Slackware Linux from?           □       
□                                                              □       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □       
□□         1  Install from a hard drive partition           □□       
□□         2  Install from floppy disks                     □□       
□□         3  Install via NFS                               □□       
□□         4  Install from a pre-mounted directory          □□       
□□         5  Install from CD-ROM                           □□       □ 
___________________________________________________________  □        
       □                   <  OK  >      <Cancel>                     
□        _______________________________________________________________ 

    以下选择您正确 CD-ROM drive。

<< 画面 5-46 >>
      ______________________ INSTALLING FROM CD-ROM 
□                                                                   □     □ 
In order to install Slackware Linux from a CD-ROM, it must        □     □ 
contain the distribution arranged beneath a source directory      □     □ in 
the same way as if you were to install it from a hard          □     □ drive 
or NFS. The source directory must contain subdirectories    □     □ for each 
floppy disk. Your CD-ROM should be compatible with       □     □ this format 
if it contains a mirror of the Slackware FTP site.    □     
□                                                                   □     □ 
What type of CD-ROM drive do you have?                            □     
□                                                                   □     □ 
□□   1  SCSI [ /dev/scd0 or /dev/scd1 ]                          □□     
□□   2  Sony CDU31A [ /dev/sonycd ]                              □□     
□□   3  Sony 535 [ /dev/cdu535 ]                                 □□     
□□   4  Mitsumi  [ /dev/mcd ]                                    □□     
□□   5  Sound Blaster Pro (Panasonic) [ /dev/sbpcd ]             □□     
□□   6  NEC 260 IDE CD-ROM [ /dev/nec260 ]                       □□     □ 
________________________________________________________________  □     
□                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                       □      
    选择该片 CD 片存放 Slackware Linux的实际路径。 若以下都
没有, 则选择 Custom。 对於交通大学出版的『云观 CD-ROM III,
Linux Plug & Play CD-ROM』 的使用者来说, 以下要选择第三选项

<< 画面 5-47 >>
    ______________________  SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY 
________________________□   □ Now we need to know which directory on the CD 
contains the Slackware  □   □ sources. This location may vary depending on 
the cd you have. There   □   □ are default selections for the Slackware 
Professional CD (including   □   □ an option to run mostly from the CD), 
InfoMagic CD, TransAmeritech    □   □ CD, and the Linux Quarterly CD-ROM. 
There may be other directories    □   □ containing other versions - enter a 
custom directory name if you      □   □ like. Which option would you 
like?                                    □   □ 
□□           slakware                 Slackware Pro: install to HD   □□   
□□           slackpro                 Slackware Pro: run from CD     □□   
□□           slackware/slakware       TransAmeritech CD              □□   
□□           packages/slackware       Linux Quarterly CD-ROM         □□   
□□           distributions/slackware  InfoMagic CD-ROM               □□   
□□           Custom                   Enter your own directory name  □□   
□ ____________________________________________________________________□□    
□                        <  OK  >      <Cancel>                         □    
    由於上一个画面选择 Custom, 接下来我要自行回答完整路径, 关
於这项资料, 您必须自行参考您手上的 CD 片为准。

<< 画面 5-48 >>
       ____________________ SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY 
____________________□      □ Now we need to know which directory on the CD 
contains the     □      □ Slackware sources. This location may vary 
depending on the CD  □      □ you have. You may omit the leading '/' if you 
like. What       □      □ directory are the Slackware sources 
in?                        □      □ 
_____________________________________________________________  □      
□□/linux/slakware                                             □□      □ 
_____________________________________________________________  □       
      □                    <  OK  >      <Cancel>                      
□       _________________________________________________________________ 

※ 来源:.碧海青天 bbs.dlut.edu.cn.[FROM: dragon.dlut.edu]
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