发信人: mendy.bbs@bbs.nju.edu.cn (孟迪), 信区: cnprogram
标 题: C++ Builder常见问题解答(1)
发信站: nju_bbs (Mon Apr 20 04:46:36 1998)
转信站: Lilac!ustcnews!nju_bbs
2m发信人:m country (cowboy)
2m信 区:m RAD
2m标 题:m C++ Builder常见问题解答(1)(转信)
2m发信站:m '3m紫金飞鸿m' (Thu Apr 9 12:48:29 1998) , 5m站内信件m
7m m
发信人: Zeemon (塞下秋), 信区: Visual
标 题: C++ Builder常见问题解答(1)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Dec 3 19:15:16 1997)
第一部分 ActiveX
1、C++Builder ActiveX OCX contact information
Where can I get more information about the ActiveX (OCX) controls
that are shipped with C++Builder?
First read DEPLOY.TXT in the C++Builder root directory.
Then under the OCX subdirectory look for either an HTM or a HLP
file with more information on the control. That also includes
information for contacting with the vendor.
2、NetManage ActiveX controls
Where can I get more information on the NetManage ActiveX
Internet controls that come with C++Builder?
The following addresses will take you to the NetManage web pages.
The second address is a recent patch NetManage has released.
At the page above, you can select "NEWT Intranet ActiveX 6.02
Patch" for more information. The file it is referring to is
at the following address:
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 bbs.net.tsinghua.edu.cn·[FROM: sapphire.ncic.a]
2m7m牧 童 归 去 横 牛 背 短 笛 无 腔 信 口 吹7;40m0m
2m7m若 问 茶 馆 何 处 有 牛 仔 遥 指 B B S 村7;40m0m
m;33m※ 来源:·紫金飞鸿 bbs.njupt.edu.cn·[FROM: pc02.inti.njupt]m
※ 来源:.南大小百合信息交换站 bbs.nju.edu.cn.[FROM: a507yjh.nju.edu]
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