发信人: mendy.bbs@bbs.nju.edu.cn (孟迪), 信区: cnprogram
标 题: C++ Builder安装经验:与Delphi的协调
发信站: nju_bbs (Mon Apr 20 04:45:38 1998)
转信站: Lilac!ustcnews!nju_bbs
2m发信人:m country (cowboy)
2m信 区:m RAD
2m标 题:m C++ Builder安装经验:与Delphi的协调(转信)
2m发信站:m '3m紫金飞鸿m' (Thu Apr 9 12:43:04 1998) , 5m站内信件m
7m m
发信人: Zeemon (塞下秋), 信区: Visual
标 题: C++ Builder安装经验:与Delphi的协调
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Dec 3 18:55:27 1997)
在已安装了Delphi 3的机器上安装C++ Builder,会发现安装完后Delphi 3的数据库
解决办法是:用regedit 把HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Borland\Database Engine
下的DLLPATH里指向C++Builder的BDE的路径删掉, 只留下指向Delphi 3的
BDE的路径,就万事大吉了. 当然前提是别把两个BDE装到同一个目录下.
Frequently Asked Questions
BDE Version problems
I have more than one installation of the Borland Database
Engine and I am having troubles configuring the BDE to work
with either Delphi, C++Builder, or IntraBuilder.
Run regedit to see what your current path is for your DLLPATH
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Borland\Database Engine.
There should be one and only one path for this key. If
there is more than one, it will result in problems.
Furthermore, the CONFIGFILE01 key should point to your latest
config file.
One way to resolve problems arising from
conflicting installations of the database engine is to
reinstall the version of Borland's compiler or
tool (either Delphi, Intrabuilder, or C++Builder) that has the
latest version of the BDE. Then edit the DLLPATH in the registry so
that it uses the default that the installation program gave.
This works because the latest version of the BDE is backward
compatible which means that it will run applications written
with previous versions of the BDE.
※ 修改:·Zeemon 於 Dec 3 19:37:30 修改本文·[FROM: sapphire.ncic.a]
2m7m牧 童 归 去 横 牛 背 短 笛 无 腔 信 口 吹7;40m0m
2m7m若 问 茶 馆 何 处 有 牛 仔 遥 指 B B S 村7;40m0m
m;33m※ 来源:·紫金飞鸿 bbs.njupt.edu.cn·[FROM: pc02.inti.njupt]m
※ 来源:.南大小百合信息交换站 bbs.nju.edu.cn.[FROM: a507yjh.nju.edu]
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