发信人: mendy.bbs@bbs.nju.edu.cn (孟迪), 信区: cnprogram
标 题: 资源-2
发信站: nju_bbs (Sun Apr 19 09:17:27 1998)
转信站: Lilac!ustcnews!nju_bbs
发信人: njhe (谁有控件), 信区: RAD
标 题: 资源-2
发信站: '3m紫金飞鸿m' (Sat Feb 28 11:13:48 1998) , 转信
(9,549 bytes)
A Splitter control, with multiple options for pane
borders and colors. It allows to hide, show or even swap the
panes. Ideal for multi-split use as all borders can be visible or
not. All bugs are fixed in this version. ( ver. 1.2, May be used
free of charge, and modified at will. ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x & d3.0x)
by Charles Bedard
(28,217 bytes)
Andre's QReport Editor allows to edit report at
run-time ( ver. 1.0, It can't include (full or part.) in
commercial VCL. Send your ) ( FREEWARE d1.0x & d2.0x & d3.0x &
c++b ) by Demidov Andre
(185,769 bytes)
Component wich provides access to communication
devices under win95, NT. Full source and demo included. Added a
compiled package for easy installation. ( ver. 1.26 ) (
FREEWARE d3.0x ) by Varian Software Services nl
(47,037 bytes)
This component was made to ease the creation of
associations and set system shell extensions for associated files
that your program uses ( FREEWARE d2.0x & d3.0x ) by Almer
(104,366 bytes)
CodeBase 6.x compatible DataSet. Use Delphi data
controls to acces xBase files without BDE. ( ver. 0.2, no
src., CodeBase DLL needed. Source code available for $ 100. ) (
FREEWARE d3.0x ) by Nicolas Nasdrovisky
(5,300 bytes)
cpCoord allows to define two values (coordinates)
at once. It is a development of the Scrollbar component from one
to two dimensions ( FREEWARE d3.0x ) by Christian Poisson
(129,046 bytes)
Contains the Component TDESCrypt which encrypts a
string by using DES. The code has been translated from the
included C file crypt.c . ( ver. 1.02, no src. ) ( FREEWARE
d3.0x ) by Herzog Samuel
(249,216 bytes)
DelforExp is a customizable source code formatter
expert. It can improve the indentation, spacing, capitalization
and the use of blank lines of Delphi 3.0 source code. At
default, the style of the Borland source code is followed
closely. ( ver. 2.1, no src. ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x & d3.0x ) by
Egbert van Nes
(8,356 bytes)
An Extended version of the Delphi THeaderControl.
It supports Bitmaps, Imagelists, Header Drag and Drop, Full
Drag and more. ( ver. 1 ) ( FREEWARE d3.0x ) by Dan Brooke
(120,294 bytes)
Simple prog. that try to balance songs duration
on the 2 Sides of a tape and wish to obtain the same duration
for both sides. Code for Delphi 2.0. ( ver. 1.00 18/07/1997, no
src., Freeware/Cardware. Source freely on e-mail. ) ( FREEWARE
d2.0x ) by Luciani Gianni
(4,865 bytes)
Replacement for Delphi's tooltip windows. Offers
tooltips that look like those in Windows 95, Internet
Explorer or Office 97. ( ver. 1.02, May be used free of charge. )
( FREEWARE d2.0x ) by Torsten Detsch
(4,865 bytes)
Replacement for Delphi's tooltip windows. Offers
tooltips that look like those in Windows 95, Internet
Explorer or Office 97. ( ver. 1.02, May be used free of charge. )
( FREEWARE d2.0x ) by Torsten Detsch
(156,618 bytes)
An AddIn to delphi3 which provides the developer
with; UnitList - All units used by the project. Global Find - To
search through all units in the project. Global Find Replace -
Replace in all project units. Directory list - To easy ChDir... (
ver. 0.81, no src., Freeware (no source, just dll). If you like
then send me an e-mail. ) ( FREEWARE d3.0x ) by Stig
Bircherod Calundan
(65,096 bytes)
ImageVue: TPicture and TBitmap property editor. |
Features: Image preview. Auto conversion from icon and
metafiles to bitmap. Built-in Toolbar button images. QuickFolder.
TBitBtn glyph preview. ( ver. 1.0.2b ) ( FREEWARE d1.0x & d2.0x
& d3.0x ) by African Dancer
(64,104 bytes)
A JPG file sorter and viewer component. Build in
drag and drop, zoom in, file move, file copy, file delete and
file rename functions. ( ver. version 1.0 ) ( FREEWARE d3.0x )
by Tat Choi Chan
(4,373 bytes)
TMailit is a component that allows you to establish
a link to your default eMail-Program and it also let's you can
select the color of the font when entering and leaving the
Mailit-Component ( ver. 1.0.1, no src. ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x &
d3.0x ) by Dirk Siepe
(11,300 bytes)
TmSor is a study how to create a powerful sorter
with a minimum of work. You can sort up to two GigaByte. 100.000
records of 500 Bytes are sorted in 75 seconds. Fixed records
only. ( ver. 1.0 ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x & d3.0x ) by Martin
(10,203 bytes)
Those components complete paths that user writes
in Combobox or Edit windows. Like new Internet Explorer 4 Desktop
do. ( ver. 1.0 ) ( FREEWARE d1.0x & d2.0x & d3.0x & c++b ) by
CRESTO Sylvain
(1,918,425 bytes)
This is the only Path editor of its kind that
doesn't require you to restart delphi for the changes to take
effect and gives you the source so you can see for yourself how
it is done. Uses techniques similar to those used in CodeRush
(Raptor). ( ver. 1.0, This archive contains a Delphi Package
Collection File that can be installed from the Co ( FREEWARE
d3.0x ) by Robert N. Kozak
(1,694 bytes)
This unit simulates the 'new' popping buttons, used
by (e.g.)Microsoft Office 97 and the netscape navigator. It is
also possible to put images on the popbutton ( FREEWARE d2.0x &
d3.0x ) by Bas Weerman
(6,553 bytes)
TImage and TDbImage with propotional scale in
stretch property. ( ver. 1.00, Works fine runtime ) ( FREEWARE
d3.0x ) by Andre Inghilleri
(21,880 bytes)
Run time form editor, with component creating and
sizing capabilities, run time object inspector using the
TPropertyEditor defined in delphi or by user. The program is
able load and save form. This work is based on the DsgnIntf Unit
of Borland. ( ver. 0.0a, no src., Source are free, just ask at my
Email adress. ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x ) by Jack
(8,470 bytes)
Simple AntiCopy Component (SACC) provides minimal
level of copy-protecting of executables. SACC shows technique
that may be used to perform tasks that require storing of some
information inside .EXE file. ( ver. 2.01 ) ( FREEWARE d1.0x &
d2.0x & d3.0x ) by Oleg Subachev
(5,988 bytes) I
mplements the Secure Hashing Algorithm. You can
hash strings, files, and untyped buffers. ( ver. 1.0, Public
domain! ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x & d3.0x ) by TM
(223,044 bytes)
TFormShaper Control region Designer. This
component gives you the possibility to create nonrectangular
Forms. Available for D2,D3 and C++Builder ( ver. 1.02.32, no
src., Free for non-commercial use. Commercial use $35...with
source $60. ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x ) by Andreas Heckel
(241,677 bytes)
TFormShaper Control region Designer. This
component gives you the possibility to create nonrectangular
Forms. Available for D2,D3 and C++Builder ( ver. 1.02.32, no
src., Free for non-commercial use. Commercial use $35...with
source $60. ) ( FREEWARE d3.0x ) by Andreas Heckel
(67,745 bytes)
TFormShaper Control region Designer. This
component gives you the possibility to create nonrectangular
Forms. Available for D2,D3 and C++Builder ( ver. 1.02.32, no
src., Free for non-commercial use. Commercial use $35...with
source $60. ) ( FREEWARE c++b ) by Andreas Heckel
(147,912 bytes)
SQLDirect - Delphi components for access to
Centura SQLBase Server using 32-bit native call interface.
No distributing and configuring BDE and ODBC. Support all
data-aware components. ( ver. 0.7b, no src. ) ( FREEWARE d3.0x )
by Yuri Sheino
(64,688 bytes)
Demo application with full source that
demonstrates the use of the TListView virtual mode as
implemented by Brad Stowers in his TExtListView component. This
demo implements an Explorer-like file list that is very fast. (
ver. 1.0 ) ( FREEWARE d3.0x ) by John Newlin
(13,737 bytes)
wieniemc is a program to stuff keys in the
keyboard-buffer, so other programs can use it. You can use it to
send macro's to other windows-programs. It starts hidden, icon in
the icon-tray, and pops up a menu, out of which you can select a
macro ( ver. 1.0, full source included, components used available
at the Delphi Super Page or at: http:// ( FREEWARE d3.0x ) by
Anton Bil
(250,638 bytes)
Set of experts. Source find Expert, Method
Navigator, Favorite files expert, Fast Package expert and more...
Need Library RX ( ver. 1.02, IF you interisting Then Writing
To Me ) ( FREEWARE d3.0x ) by Buzaev Alexander
(18,003 bytes)
Zoomer & Scroller -- two in one. This
scrollbar-like control is handy to use with any zoomable objects
-- charts, images etc. ( ver. 1.1 ) ( FREEWARE d2.0x & d3.0x )
by Alexander Rublinetsky
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~@-/ oO \-@~ 吓死你!!!
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m;36m※ 来源:·紫金飞鸿 bbs.njupt.edu.cn·[FROM:]m
※ 来源:.南大小百合信息交换站 bbs.nju.edu.cn.[FROM: a507yjh.nju.edu]
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