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标 题: Unix Unleased -13
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13 — C Shell
By John Valley
A Little History
Invoking C Shell
Shell Basics
Executing Commands—The Basics
Command Names as Shell Input
Built-In Shell Commands
Executing Simple Commands
Entering Multiple Commands on One Line
Entering Commands Too Long for One Line
Executing Commands in the Background
Repetitively Executing a Command—repeat
Executing Commands in a Subshell—()
Executing Commands Conditionally
Shell Statements—A Closer Look
Filename Substitutions (Globbing)
Redirecting Input and Output
Input Redirection
Output Redirection
Quoting or Escaping from Special Characters
Working with Directories and the Directory Stack
Changing Directories—cd and chdir
Listing the Directory Stack—dirs
Changing to a Directory Using the Directory Stack—pushd
Returning to a Previous Directory Using the Directory
Changing the Active Shell
Invoking a New Shell—exec
Exiting from the Current Shell—exit
Invoking the System Login Procedure—login
Exiting from a Login Shell—logout
Preventing a Command from Terminating Execution after
Displaying and Setting the Process File Creation Mask—umask
Echoing Arguments to Standard Output
Using the echo Command
Using the glob Command
Rescanning a Line for Substitutions—eval
Changing Your Group ID—newgrp
Timing the Execution of a Command—time
Defining, Listing, and Changing Command Aliases—alias
Deleting a Command Alias—unalias
Shell Options
Command History
Displaying the Command History
Using History Substitutions to Execute Commands
Variable Names
Creating Shell Variables
Displaying and Setting Local Shell Variables—set
Deleting Local Shell Variables—unset
Displaying and Setting Global Environment Variables—setenv
Deleting Global Environment Variables—unsetenv
Obtaining Variable Values with Reference Expressions
Using Array Variables
Using Special Read-Only Variables
Using Predefined Variables
Shell Programming
What Is a Shell Script?
Writing Shell Scripts—An Overview
A Simple Shell Script
Using Expressions and Operators in Shell Statements
Arithmetic and Logical Operators
Assignment Operators—Evaluating Expressions and Assigning
the Results to Variables
Operator Precedence for Arithmetic and Logical Operators
Operators for Command Execution and File Testing
Entering Comments in Shell Programs
Conditional Statements
The if Statement
The switch Statement
Beginning a Case in switch—case
Using the Default Case in switch—default
Exiting from a switch Statement—breaksw
Iterative Statements
The while Loop
The foreach Loop
Altering the Order of Command Execution—goto
Specifying the Response to a Signal—onintr
Processing an Arbitrary Number of Parameters—shift
Interpreting a Script in the Current Shell—source
Customizing Your Shell Environment
What to Put in Your .cshrc Initialization File
What to Put in Your .login Initialization File
What to Put in Your .logout File
Job Control
Executing Jobs in the Background—&
Listing Active Background Jobs—jobs
fg and bg—Referring to Job Numbers
Moving Foreground Jobs into the Background—bg
Pausing and Resuming Background Jobs
Moving Background Jobs into the Foreground—fg
Stopping a Background Job—stop
Stopping the Current Shell—suspend
Waiting for Background Jobs to Finish—wait
Requesting Notification of Background Job Status Changes—notify
Controlling Background Process Dispatch Priority—nice
Signaling a Process—kill
Using the Shell's Hash Table
Determining the Effectiveness of the Hash Table—hashstat
Rebuilding the Hash Table—rehash
Disabling the Use of the Hash Table—unhash
Managing Resource Limits—limit and unlimit
Displaying or Setting Maximum Resource Limits—limit
Canceling a Previous limit Command—unlimit
13 — C Shell
By John Valley
As a UNIX user, you have a choice of shells available to you. These are the
Bourne shell, the C shell, and the Korn shell. The C shell—the subject of this
chapter—is one of the more popular shells available in UNIX. Chronologically, it
was developed after the Bourne shell and before the Korn shell. The C shell
incorporates many features of the Bourne shell and adds many new ones that make
your UNIX sessions more efficient and convenient.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each shell. You may wish to review
Chapter 14, "Which Shell Is Right for You?" to help you decide which one to use.
A Little History
The Bourne and Korn shells were created at AT&T's Bell Labs, which, not
coincidentally, is also where UNIX originated. Bell Labs is not the only
organization that contributed to the development of UNIX, however. The
Department of Computer Science at the Berkeley campus, University of California,
played a very important role.
As you might have already read, the early versions of UNIX were made available
only to colleges and universities under a rather restrictive licensing
arrangement: UNIX could be used outside of AT&T only for "research purposes." At
Berkeley, interest in UNIX was very high. The computer science labs added many
new features to UNIX and offered their version to other universities as well.
The Berkeley version soon became the more popular version, not only because of
its many new features and extensions, but also because Berkeley, unlike Bell
Labs, offered maintenance and support to other user groups. Given this fact, it
shouldn't be surprising that by the late 1970s, the BSD version (Berkeley
Software Distribution) was the dominant variant of UNIX in use.
One of the additions to UNIX was a new shell, written by Bill Joy (also the
author of the vi text editor). Joy did not pattern his shell after the Bourne
shell; indeed, to judge by results, he apparently felt that the Bourne shell
syntax was clumsy and nonintuitive. As a syntax model, he chose the C
programming language. The C shell commands, especially if, while, and the other
structured programming statements, are somewhat similar in syntax to the
equivalent statements in C. A shell is quite a different animal from a compiler,
however, so the C programming language served only as a model; many forms and
structures in the C shell have nothing to do with the C programming language.
Because the C shell is not just an extension of the Bourne shell syntax, this
chapter will cover all aspects of C shell operation; it can therefore be read
independently from Chapter 11, "Bourne Shell," and Chapter 12, "Korn Shell."
Invoking C Shell
Each time you log in to UNIX, you're placed in an interactive shell referred to
as your login shell. If your login shell is C shell, you can tell by its
command-line prompt: the percent sign (%). The C shell prompt differs from the
dollar sign prompt ($) of the Bourne shell to remind you that you're using the C
shell. You can customize your keyboard prompt when using the C shell; for more
information see the definition of prompt in the section titled "Variables" later
in this chapter.
If your login shell is not C shell, and C shell is available on your system, you
can invoke it as an interactive shell from the command line. Even when you're
already running the C shell, there will be times when you want to launch the C
shell again, for example to run a shell script or to temporarily change the
shell's options. To invoke the C shell interactively, use the following command:
$ csh
NOTE: The csh command is usually located in either the /bin or the /usr/bin
directory. Because both directories are usually in your search path, you
shouldn't have any trouble finding the csh command if your system has it. If you
don't find it right away, you might look in the directory /usr/ucb (standard
home for BSD components in a UNIX System V system), or in /usr/local/bin, home
for programs your shop has acquired that weren't provided with the original
system. Remember, though, that the C shell was for many years available only to
those shops using the BSD variant of UNIX; unlike the Bourne shell, there is no
guarantee that you will have the csh command on your system.
The csh command also supports a number of options and arguments (described later
in this chapter in the section titled "Shell Options"), but most of them are not
relevant to running an interactive shell.
Whenever csh is invoked, whether as the login shell or as a subshell, it loads
and executes a profile script named .cshrc. If it is a login shell, the C shell
will also execute a profile script on startup named .login, and another on exit
named .logout. Note that the .login script is executed after .cshrc, not before.
For additional information about C shell profile scripts, see the section titled
"Customizing Your Shell Environment" later in this chapter.
Most versions of the C shell import environment variables such as PATH into
local array variables at startup. The C shell does not refer to the public
environment variables (including PATH) for its own operation. This means that
usually you'll want to maintain the path variable for directory searches, not
PATH. Some versions of the C shell do not properly import environment variables,
with confusing results. If it appears that you have no search path set, but the
PATH variable is set and accurate (as shown by echo $PATH), check that the
variable path has a matching value. If not, you'll need to import critical
environment variables into local variables yourself.
NOTE: If you are familiar with Bourne shell, you won't notice much difference
working with the C shell unless you use advanced shell features such as
variables, command replacement, and so on.
Important differences do exist, however. Among these are the set of punctuation
characters having special meaning to the shell (often called metacharacters).
The C shell is sensitive to all the special characters of the Bourne shell, as
well as the tilde (~), the commercial at sign (@), and the exclamation point
(!). Don't forget to quote or escape these characters when writing commands
unless you intend their special shell meaning. (See the section "Quoting and
Escaping from Special Characters" for a discussion of the details.)
Shell Basics
When you enter commands at the shell prompt, you are providing input to the
shell. The shell sees a line of input as a string of characters terminated with
a newline character that is usually the result of pressing return on your
keyboard. That input can be anything from a single, simple command to multiple
commands joined with command operators. Each command line that you enter is
actually a shell statement. In addition to providing input to the shell manually
by entering shell statements on the command line, you can also provide input to
the shell by putting shell statements into a file and executing the file.
The next section covers the basics of interacting with the shell by entering
shell statements on the command line. (Of course, anything that you can enter on
the command line can also be put into a file for later, "canned" execution. Such
files are called shell scripts.) The section following is titled "Shell
Statements—A Closer Look," which provides a more detailed, technical look at
components of shell statements. If you plan to write shell scripts, you'll
definitely want to read this section.
When you finish this section, you will feel like you know a lot about the shell,
but this is just the beginning. In addition to its basic service of providing a
means to instruct the computer, the shell also provides a number of tools you
can use to expedite your work flow. These tools, or features of the shell, are
described in subsequent sections of this chapter.
Executing Commands—The Basics
C shell accepts several types of commands as input: UNIX commands, built-in
shell commands, user-written commands, and command aliases. This section
describes the different types of commands you can execute and the various ways
you can execute commands.
Command Names as Shell Input
As you know, you execute a command by entering the command's name. The C shell
supports any of the following as command names:
Built-in C shell command. The shell provides a number of commands
implemented within the shell program itself: invoking a built-in command
therefore executes very quickly because no program files need to be loaded.
A built-in command is always invoked by a simple name, never by a pathname.
Because the shell first checks a command name for built-in commands before
searching for a file of the same name, you cannot redefine a built-in
command with a shell script. The next section, "Built-In Shell Commands,"
briefly describes each one; detailed descriptions with examples of how to
use these commands are presented in the task-oriented sections of this
Filename. You can specify the filename or a relative or absolute pathname of
a file as a command. The file must be marked executable and must be either a
binary load file or a shell script in the C shell language. The C shell
cannot process shell scripts written for the Bourne or Korn shells. (See the
section titled "Shell Programming" later in this chapter for notes about
using shell scripts with the C shell.)
All UNIX commands are provided as executable files in the /bin or /usr/bin
directories. You invoke a UNIX command by entering its filename or full
Examples of invoking an executable program file include the following:
% cat big.script
% /usr/bin/cat big.script
% /usr/ucb/cc myprog.c
% ../paylist paymast
Command alias. A command alias is a name you define using the alias shell
built-in command.
An alias can have the same name as a shell built-in command or an executable
file. You can always invoke an executable file having the same name as an
alias by using the file's full pathname. An alias having the same name as a
built-in command, however, effectively hides the built-in command. Aliases
are described in detail in the section titled "Aliases" later in this
Built-In Shell Commands
C shell provides a number of commands implemented within the shell program
itself. Built-in commands execute very quickly because no external program file
needs to be loaded. Table 13.1 lists the commands alphabetically along with a
brief description of each one. The remainder of this chapter groups these
commands into subsections dedicated to particular tasks you'll perform in the
shell and describes how to use each command.
Table 13.1. Built-in commands for C shell.
aliasDefine or list a command alias
bgBackground execution
breakBreaking out of a loop
breakswExit from a switch statement
caseBegin a case in switch
cdChange directory
chdirChange directory
continueBegin the next loop iteration immediately
defaultLabel for the default case in switch
dirsList the directory stack
echoEcho arguments to standard output
evalRescan a line for substitutions
execInvoke a new shell
exitExit from the current shell
fgSwitch a job to foreground execution
foreachLooping control statement
globEcho arguments to standard output
gotoAlter the order of command execution
hashstatPrint hash table statistics
historyList command history
ifConditional execution
jobsList active jobs
killSignal a process
limitRespecify maximum resource limits
loginInvoke the system login procedure
logoutExit from a login shell
newgrpChange your group ID
niceControl background process dispatch priority
nohupPrevent termination on logout
notifyRequest notification of background job status changes
onintrProcess interrupt within a shell script
popdReturn to a previous directory
pushdChange directory with pushdown stack
rehashRehash the directory search path
repeatRepetitively execute a command
setDisplay or change a variable
setenvSet environment variable
shiftShift parameters
sourceInterpret a script in the current shell
stopStop a background job
suspendStop the current shell
switchConditional execution
timeTime a command
umaskDisplay or set the process file creation mask
unaliasDelete a command alias
unhashDisable use of the hash table
unlimitCancel a previous limit command
unsetDelete shell variables
unsetenvDelete environment variables
waitWait for background jobs to finish
whileLooping control
%jobForeground execution
@Expression evaluation
Executing Simple Commands
The most common form of input to the shell is the simple command, where a
command name is followed by any number of arguments. For example, in the
following command line
% chdir dirname
chdir is the command and dirname is the argument. It is the responsibility of
the command, not the shell, to interpret the arguments. Many commands, but
certainly not all, take the form
% command -options filenames
Although the shell does not interpret the arguments of the command, the shell
does make some interpretation of the input line before passing the arguments to
the command. Special characters entered on a command line cause the shell to
redirect input and output, start a different command, search the directories for
filename patterns, substitute variable data, and substitute the output of other
Entering Multiple Commands on One Line
Ordinarily, the shell interprets the first word of command input as the command
name and the rest of the input as arguments to that command. The semicolon (;)
directs the shell to interpret the word following the symbol as a new command,
with the rest of the input as arguments to the new command. For example, the
command line
% who -H; df -v; ps -e
is the equivalent of
% who -H
% df -v
% ps -e
except that in the second case the results of each command would appear between
the command input lines.
When the semicolon is used to separate commands on a line, the commands are
executed in sequence. The shell waits until one command is complete before
executing the next. You can also execute commands simultaneously (see the
section titled "Executing Commands in the Background") or execute them
conditionally, which means that the shell executes the next command only if the
first command succeeds or fails (see the section titled "Executing Commands
Entering Commands Too Long for One Line
Sometimes command lines get quite lengthy. On some terminals, when you reach the
edge of the display screen the input autowraps to the next line, but depending
on terminal settings, some do not. It would be nice if you could type part of a
command on one line and enter the remainder of the command on a second line.
This can be accomplished by escaping the newline character.
Remember that the shell sees a line of input as a statement terminated with a
newline character. But the newline character is also considered to be a white
space character. If you end a line with a backslash (\), the next character—the
newline character—will be treated literally, meaning that the shell will not
interpret the newline character as the end of the line of input.
% echo Now is the time for all good men \_
to come to the aid of the party.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.
Executing Commands in the Background
Normally when you execute commands, they are executed in the foreground. This
means that the command has the system's undivided attention, and you can't do
anything else until the command finishes executing. For commands that take a
long time to execute, however, this can be a problem. To free your system
without waiting for the command to finish, you can execute the command in the
background by putting an ampersand (&) at the end of the command:
% who -H &
[1] + Running who -H &
You also can run multiple commands in the background simultaneously:
% who -H & df -v & ps -e &
A command executing in the background is referred to as a job, and each job is
assigned a job number—the bracketed number in the preceding example. C shell
provides you with several commands for managing background jobs; see the section
later in this chapter titled "Job Control."
Repetitively Executing a Command—repeat
You can use the repeat command to execute some other command a specified number
of times. While the repeat command doesn't see frequent use, it can on occasion
be quite handy. For example, if you had stored some text in a model file, and
wanted to make five copies of it, you could do so easily with the command
repeat 5 cat model.txt new.txt
Or, if you were writing a shell script to print a document, you might use the
repeat 5 echo *******************************
to mark its first page clearly as the start of the document.
The syntax of the repeat command is as follows:
repeat count command
For count, specify a decimal integer number. A count of zero is valid and
suppresses execution of the command.
For command, specify a simple command that is subject to the same restrictions
as the first format of the if statement. The command is scanned for variable,
command, and history substitutions, filename patterns, and quoting. It cannot be
a compound command, a pipeline, a statement group (using {}), or a parenthesized
command list.
Any I/O redirections are performed only once regardless of the value of count.
For example, repeat 10 echo Hello >hello.list would result in ten lines of Hello
in a file named hello.list.
Executing Commands in a Subshell—()
A command (or a list of commands separated with semicolons) enclosed in
parentheses groups the command or commands for execution in a subshell. A
subshell is a secondary invocation of the shell, so any change to shell
variables, the current directory, or other such process information lasts only
while executing the commands in the group. This is a handy way, for example, to
switch to another directory, execute a command or two, and then switch back
without having to restore your current directory:
% (cd /home/bill; cp *.txt /home/john)
Without the parentheses, you would have to write:
% cd /home/bill
% cp *.txt /home/john
% cd /home/john
The syntax for grouping commands is:
( commands )
Enclosing a list of commands in parentheses is a way to override the default
precedence rules for the &&, ||, and | operators, at the expense of invoking a
subshell and losing any environmental effects of the commands' execution. For
example, (grep || echo) | pr will pipe the output of the grep command, and
possibly that of echo if grep sets a nonzero exit code, to the pr command.
I/O redirections can be appended to the subshell just as for a simple command;
the redirections are in effect for all of the commands within the subshell. For
example, (cat; echo; date) > out will write the output of the cat, echo, and
date commands to a file named out without any breaks. If you look at the file
afterward, first you'll see the lines written by cat, followed by the lines
written by echo, and finally the lines written by date. Similarly, input
redirections apply to all commands in the subshell, so that each command in turn
reads lines from the redirected file, starting with the line following those
read by any previously executed commands in the subshell.
Executing Commands Conditionally
Compound commands are actually two or more commands combined together so that
the shell executes all of them before prompting (or, in the case of shell
scripts, reading) more input.
Compound commands are not often needed for work at the keyboard, and you'll
rarely feel the lack if you don't understand or don't use compound commands.
However, compound commands form a very useful extension to the shell's syntax,
especially in shell scripts. Some compound command formats, such as &
(background job) and | (the pipe operator) are essential to effective work with
Conditional Execution on Success—&& (And)
The double ampersand operator (read and) is used to join two commands: command1
&& command2. It causes the shell to execute command2 only if command1 is
successful (has a zero exit code).
For command1 or command2, you can write a simple command or a compound command.
The && operator has higher precedence than || but lower precedence than |. For
grep '#include' *.c | pr && echo OK
will echo OK only if the pipeline grep | pr sets a zero exit code. (For
pipelines, the exit code is the exit code of the last command in the pipeline.)
The compound command cp file1.c file1.bak && rm file1.c shows the possible
benefit of using &&: The rm command will delete file1.c only if it is first
successfully copied to file1.bak.
Conditional Execution on Failure —|| (Or)
The or operator is used to join two commands: command1 || command2. It causes
the shell to execute command2 only if command1 failed (set a nonzero exit code).
For command1 or command2, you can write a simple command or a compound command.
The || operator has lower precedence than both the && and | operators. For
example, in the following command
grep '#include' *.c || echo No files | pr
either grep succeeds, or else the words No files are piped to the pr command.
That is, the pipe is between the echo and pr commands, not between grep (or grep
|| echo) and pr.
Use the || operator to provide an alternative action. For example, in the
following case, if the mkdir command fails, the exit command prevents further
execution of the shell script:
mkdir $tmpfile || exit
Shell Statements—A Closer Look
A command is either a basic command, or a basic command embellished with one or
more I/O redirections.
A basic command is a series of words, each subject to replacements, which when
fully resolved specifies an action to be executed and provides zero or more
options and arguments to modify or control the action taken. The first word of a
basic command, sometimes called the command name, must specify the required
In plainer terms, a statement is the smallest executable unit. When the shell is
operating in interactive mode, it displays its prompt when it requires a
statement. You must continue to enter shell statement components, using multiple
lines if necessary, until you have completed a full statement. If the statement
is not completed on one line, the shell will continue to prompt you, without
executing the line or lines you have entered, until it has received a full
Shell statements are formed from a number of tokens. A token is a basic
syntactic element and can be any of the following:
Comments. A comment begins with any word having a pound sign (#) as its
first character, and extends to the end of the line. This interpretation can
be avoided by enclosing the pound sign (or the entire word) in quotes. (See
"Quoting and Escaping Special Characters" later in this chapter.)
White space. White space consists of blanks and tabs, and sometimes the
newline character. White space is used to separate other tokens which, if
run together, would lose their separate identity. Units of text separated by
white space are generically called words.
Statement delimiters. Statement delimiters include the semicolon (;) and the
newline character (generated when you press return). You can use the
semicolon to run commands together on the same line. The shell treats the
commands as if they had been entered on separate lines.
Normally every command or shell statement ends at the end of the line. The
return (or Enter) key you press to end the line generates a character
distinct from printable characters, blanks and tabs, which the shell sees as
a newline character. Some statements require more than one line of input,
such as the if and while commands. The syntax description for these commands
shows how they should be split over lines; the line boundaries must be
observed, and you must end each line at the indicated place or else you will
get a syntax error.
Operators. An operator is a special character, or a combination of special
characters, to which the shell attaches special syntactic significance.
Operators shown as a combination of special characters must be written
without white space between them, otherwise they will be seen as two single
operators instead of the two-character operator.
Punctuation characters having special significance to the shell must be
enclosed in quotes to avoid their special interpretation. For example, the
command grep '#' *.c uses quotes to hide the pound sign from the shell so
that the pound sign can be passed to grep as an argument. See the section
later in this chapter titled "Quoting and Escaping from Special Characters"
for details about using quotes.
Words. A word is any consecutive sequence of characters occurring between
white space, statement delimiters, or operators. A word can be a single
group of ordinary characters, a quoted string, a variable reference, a
command substitution, a history substitution, or a filename pattern; it can
also be any combination of these elements. The final form of the word is the
result of all substitutions and replacements, together with all ordinary
characters, run together to form a single string. The string is then used as
the command name or command argument during command execution.
Filename Substitutions (Globbing)
Filename generation using patterns is an important facility of the Bourne shell.
The C shell supports the filename patterns of the Bourne shell and adds the use
of {} (braces) to allow greater flexibility.
Several shell commands and contexts allow the use of pattern-matching strings,
such as the case statement of switch and the =~ and !~ expression operators. In
these cases, pattern strings are formed using the same rules as for filename
generation, except that the patterns are matched to another string.
When any of the pattern expressions described below are used as arguments of a
command, the entire pattern string is replaced with the filenames or pathnames
that match the pattern. By default, the shell searches the current directory for
matching filenames, but if the pattern string contains slashes (/), it searches
the specified directory or directories instead. Note that several directories
can be searched for matching files in a single pattern string: a pattern of the
form dir/*/*.c will search all the directories contained in dir for files ending
with .c.
*The asterisk matches any string of characters, including a null
string. Used by itself, it matches all filenames. Used at the
beginning of a pattern string, it means that leading prefixes of the
filename pattern are ignored: *.c matches any filename ending with
.c. Used at the end of a pattern string, it means that trailing
suffixes of the filename pattern are ignored: s.* will match s.main,
s.prog.c, and any filename beginning with s.. Used in the middle of
a pattern, it means that matching filenames must begin and end as
shown but can contain any character sequences in the middle: pay*.c
matches filenames beginning with pay and ending with .c, such as
payroll.c, paymast.c, and paycheck.c.
?The question mark matches any one character. For example, ? as a
complete word will match all filenames one character long in the
current directory. The pattern pay?.c will match pay1.c and pay2.c
but not payroll.c. Multiple question marks can be used to indicate a
specific number of don't-care positions in the filename: pay??.c
will match filenames beginning with pay and containing any two
characters before .c, such as pay01.c and paybb.c, but will not
match payroll.c.
[]The square brackets enclose a list of characters. Matching
filenames contain one of the indicated characters in the
corresponding position of the filename. For example, [abc]* will
match any filename beginning with the letter a, b, or c. Because of
the asterisk, the first character can be followed by any sequence of
Use a hyphen (-) to indicate a range of characters. For example,
pay[1-3].c will match filenames pay1.c, pay2.c, and pay3.c, but not
pay4.c or pay11.c. Multiple ranges can be used in a single bracketed
list. For example, [A-Za-z0-9]* will match any filename beginning
with a letter or a digit. To match a hyphen, list the hyphen at the
beginning or end of the character list: [-abc] or [abc-] will match
an a, b, c, or hyphen.
Use a circumflex (^) after [ to negate the range of characters. The
pattern [^a-zA-Z0-9]* will match all filenames that do not begin
with a letter or digit—that is, filenames beginning with a
punctuation character such as .c or #myfile.txt.
{}Braces enclose a list of patterns separated by commas. The brace
expression matches filenames having any one of the listed patterns
in the corresponding position of the name. For example, the pattern
/usr/home/{kookla,fran,ollie}/.profile expands to the path list
/usr/home/kookla/.profile /usr/home/fran/.profile
/usr/home/ollie/.profile. Unlike *, ?, and [], brace-enclosed lists
are not matched against existing filenames; they are simply expanded
into filenames regardless of whether the corresponding files exist.
Brace-enclosed lists can be nested, for example
/usr/{bin,lib,home/{john,bill}} refers to any of the directories
/usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/home/john, and /usr/home/bill.
The tilde (~) can be used at the beginning of a word to invoke directory
substitution. The tilde forms are as follows:
~Substituted with the full pathname of your home directory. Also
used in the form ~/path to refer to a file or directory under your
home directory.
~nameSubstituted with the full pathname of user name's home
directory. For example, ~ken/bin refers to /usr/ken/bin if the home
directory for user ken is /usr/ken. The password file /etc/passwd is
searched for name to determine the directory pathname; if name is
not found, the shell generates an error message and stops.
If the tilde does not appear by itself as a word, and is not followed by a
letter or by a slash, or appears in any position other than the first, it is not
replaced. Thus, /usr/marta/~file.c is a reference to the file ~file.c in the
directory /usr/marta.
It is important to realize that filename generation using pattern strings causes
a replacement of one word with many. A filename pattern must be a single word.
The ordinary characters and pattern-matching characters in the word describe a
rule for choosing filenames from the current or specified directory. The word is
replaced with each filename or pathname found that matches the pattern. Consider
the following examples:
% echo Files: *.txt
Files: ch1.txt ch2.txt chlast.txt
% set files=(*.txt)
% echo Found $#files files
Found 3 files
% echo $files[2]
mkdir $tmpfile || exit
Redirecting Input and Output
C shell provides several commands for redirecting the input and output of
commands. You might already be familiar with the input (<) or output (>)
redirection characters from earlier chapters. C shell provides you with these
and more.
An I/O redirection is an instruction to the shell you append to a command. It
causes one of the standard file descriptors to be assigned to a specific file.
You might have previously encountered standard files in the discussion of the
Bourne shell (Chapter 11). The UNIX operating system defines three standard file
descriptors: standard input, standard output, and standard error. (These names
are sometimes abbreviated to stdin, stdout, and stderr.)
NOTE: The UNIX operating system actually provides at least twenty-five file
descriptors for use by a command. It is only by convention that the first three
are set aside for reading input, writing output, and printing error messages.
Unless you instruct otherwise, the shell always opens these three file
descriptors before executing a command, and assigns them all to your terminal.
A file descriptor is not the file itself. Rather, it is a channel, much like the
phone jack on the back of your stereo: you can connect it to any audio source
you like. Similarly, a file descriptor such as standard input must be connected
to a file—your terminal by default, or the disk file or readable device of your
You can change the location where a command reads data, writes output, and
prints error messages, using one or more of the I/O redirection operators. The
operators are shown in Table 13.2.
Table 13.2. I/O redirection operators.
Input Redirection
< filenameUse the contents of filename as input to a command.
<< wordProvide shell input lines as command input. Lines of the
shell input which follow the line containing this redirection
operator are read and saved by the shell in a temporary file.
Reading stops when the shell finds a line beginning with word. The
saved lines then become the input to the command. Of course, the
lines read and saved are effectively deleted from the shell input,
and will not be executed as commands; they are effectively "eaten"
by the << operator. Shell execution continues with the line
following the line beginning with word. If you use the << operator
on a command you type at the terminal, be careful: lines you type
afterward will be gobbled up by the shell—not executed—until you
enter a line begining with whatever you specified as word. The <<
operator is most often used in shell scripts.
Output Redirection
> filenameWrite command output to filename
>! filenameWrite command output to filename, and ignore the
noclobber option. The noclobber option is fully explained in the
section "Using Predefined Variables" later in this chapter. Briefly
it causes the shell to disallow the > filename redirection when
filename already exists; noclobber is therefore a safety you can use
to prevent your accidentally destroying an existing file. Of course,
sometimes you want to redirect output to a file even though it
already exists. In such a case, you must use the >! operator to tell
the shell you really want to proceed with the redirection. If you
don't set the noclobber option, then you won't need to use the >!
operator either.
>& filenameOpen filename and write both the command output and error
messages to it
>&! filenameOpen filename and write both the command output and
error messages to it, and ignore the noclobber option
>> filenameOpen filename and write command output at the end of the
file (append mode)
>>! filenameOpen filename and write command output at the end of the
file (append mode), and ignore the noclobber option
>>& filenameOpen filename and write command output and error
messages at the end of the file (append mode)
>>&! filenameOpen filename and write command output and error
messages at the end of the file (append mode), and ignore the
noclobber option
In Table 13.2, filename represents any ordinary filename or pathname, or any
filename or pathname resulting after variable substitution, command
substitution, or filename generation.
I/O redirection operators are appended to a command; for example, date >curdate
will write the current date to the file curdate instead of to your terminal. You
can also use more than one redirection per command: simply list them one after
another at the end of the command. The order doesn't matter: for example, both
cat <infile >outfile and cat >outfile <bigfile will have the same effect.
Input Redirection
Some commands make no special use of the standard input file, such as the date
and the ls system commands; others require an input file to function properly,
such as the cat and awk commands. You can use the < redirection operator in the
form command < filename to designate a file as the source of input for commands
like cat and awk; if you do not, these commands will read data from your
keyboard—sometimes useful, but usually not. If you provide an input redirection,
but the command does not read data (such as ls), the I/O redirection is still
performed by the shell, it is just ignored by the command.
It is an error to redirect standard input to a file that doesn't exist.
The redirection << word is a special form of the input redirection operator.
Rather than taking input from a file, input to the command comes from the
current shell input stream—your keyboard, if you append << to a command you type
in, or your shell script if you use << on a command in a shell script.
For word, you choose an arbitrary string to delimit the lines of input. Then
write the lines to be provided to the command as input immediately following the
command line, and follow the last line with a line beginning with word. The
shell reads the lines ahead, stores them in a temporary file, and sets up the
temporary file as standard input for the command.
This form of input redirection is called a here document, because it is located
here, in line with your shell commands. It is useful when you want to provide
predefined data to a command, and it saves you from having to create a file to
hold the data.
Unlike the filename part of other I/O redirection operators, word for the here
document is not scanned for variable references, command substitutions, or
filename patterns; it is used as is. Also, the following shell input lines are
checked for the presence of word as the first word of the line before any
substitutions or replacements are performed on the line.
Normally, lines of the here document are checked for variable references and
command replacements; this allows you to encode variable information in the here
document. If you quote any part of word, however, the lines are read and passed
to the command without modification. For example, the redirection << STOP reads
lines up to STOP, and performs substitutions on the lines it reads; the
redirection << "STOP" reads lines up to the line beginning with STOP, and passes
the lines directly to the command, as is, without substitutions or replacements
of any kind.
The line beginning with word is discarded, and neither passed to the command in
the here document, nor executed by the shell.
The following example shows the use of a here document to print a customized
pr << HERE | lp
Hello, $user.
Your print job,
has been scheduled for output at a later time.
Please contact Joe if you have any questions.
The line containing the word HERE will not appear in the output message; it is
simply a mark to let the shell know where the redirected lines end.
Output Redirection
Output redirections have the general form > and >>. The first operator creates a
new file of the specified name. The file is opened before command execution
begins, so even if the command fails, or cannot be found, or if the shell finds
an error on the command line and stops, the output file will still be created.
If you've set the noclobber option (with set noclobber), then the shell will
refuse to create the named output file if it already exists; doing so would
destroy its current contents. If you want to perform the output redirection even
if the file filename already exists, use the redirection operator >! instead; it
overrides the noclobber option.
The >> command arranges for command output to be added to the end of the named
file. For this redirection operator, the noclobber option requires that the
named file already exist. If you use the alternate form >>!, or if you use >>
and the noclobber option is not set, the shell will create the named file if
The >& and >>& operators redirect both the standard output and standard error
files to filename. The Bourne shell allows you to redirect the standard output
and standard error files separately; the C shell does not. Actually, this is not
much of a limitation in real life.
If you have the noclobber option set, you'll need to use >&! instead of >& to
proceed even if the named file exists, or >>&! to proceed even if the named file
doesn't exist.
NOTE: For purposes of understanding shell syntax, it might be noted that
appending an I/O redirection to a simple command yields a simple command. Except
where specifically prohibited, a command with redirections appended can be used
wherever a simple command is allowed, such as on the single-line if statement.
Quoting or Escaping from Special Characters
As you've seen from previous sections, certain characters have special meaning
for the shell. That is, when the shell encounters a special character, it will
perform the action that the special character calls for. The following
punctuation characters available on the standard keyboard are special to the
shell and disrupt the scanning of ordinary words:
~ ' ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) \ | { } [ ] ; ' " < > ?
In some contexts, particularly within the switch statement, the : (colon) is
also a special character. The colon is recognized as a special character only
when expected, in a case or default statement, and as a statement label. It does
not need to be quoted except to avoid these specific interpretations.
To use one of these characters as a part of a word without its special
significance, you can escape the character by placing a backslash (\)
immediately in front of the character. Note that a backslash intended as an
ordinary character must be written as two backslashes in succession: \\. To
escape a two-character operator such as >>, you must insert a backslash in front
of each character: \>\>.
Alternatively, you can enclose the special character or any portion of the word
containing the character in quotes. The shell recognizes three kinds of quotes:
the apostrophe ('), the quote ("), and the backquote (`).
Use two apostrophes (also called single quotes) to enclose a character sequence
and avoid all interpretation by the shell. I often call a string enclosed in
apostrophes a hard-quoted string, because the shell performs absolutely no
substitution, replacement, or special interpretation of anything appearing
between the apostrophes. Even the backslash character is treated as an ordinary
character, so there are no escapes within an apostrophe-enclosed string, and you
cannot embed an apostrophe in such a string. That is, the string 'who's there'
will cause a shell error: the shell will see this as who concatenated with an s,
followed by a white space delimiter, followed by a word beginning with there,
and then the starting apostrophe of another string. The third apostrophe starts
a quoted string that the shell will follow over as many lines as necessary to
find an ending apostrophe, probably eating up shell lines you intended as
commands, and eventually yielding a shell syntax error or an erroneous command
One of the uses of quoted strings is to specify a single word containing blanks,
tabs, and newline characters. For example, the following shows the use of a
single echo command to print two lines of output:
% echo -n 'Hello.
Please enter your name: '
Please enter your name:
The double apostrophe or quote (") also provides a special bracket for character
strings. Like the apostrophe, the quote hides most special characters from the
shell's observation. Quoted strings, however, are subject to two kinds of scan
and replacement: variable references and command substitutions.
Any of the reference forms for shell variables ($1, $name, ${name},
$name[index], $*, and others) are recognized inside quoted strings and are
replaced with the corresponding string value. The replacement occurs inside the
quoted string, leaving its unity as a single word intact (even if the
substituted value includes blanks, tabs, or newline characters).
Command substitution occurs for strings enclosed in backquotes ('). The entire
string enclosed between matching backquotes is extracted and executed by the
shell as if it were an independent command. The command can be two or more
commands separated with semicolons, or a pipeline, or any form of compound
statement. Any data written to standard output by the command is captured by the
shell and becomes the string value of the backquoted command. The string value
is parsed into words, and the series of words replaces the entire backquoted
All forms of shell substitution will occur inside backquoted command strings,
including variable replacement, nested command executions, history
substitutions, and filename patterns. Nested command strings will work, but the
backquotes introducing them must be escaped with \ to hide them from the shell's
first scan of the backquoted string.
A backquoted command string (or any number of them) can appear inside a quoted
string and will have its normal effect; this is the second form of substitution
performed on "-quoted strings. A quoted command substitution
("xxx`commands`xxx") generates new words only at the end of each line, except at
the end of the last line. If the executed command prints only one line of text,
the text replaces the backquoted expression without introducing any word breaks.
Both quoting forms '...' and "..." suppress filename generation. For example,
note the difference in the following echo commands:
% echo *.c
main.c io.c parse.c math.c
% echo "*.c"
Apostrophes and quotes can appear inside a double-quoted string. The double
quote must be escaped with a backslash to prevent premature termination of the
quoted string (for example "He said, \"John!\""). The apostrophe has no special
significance when appearing inside a double-quoted string and does not need to
be backslashed. The following example shows the use of quotes inside quoted
% echo "He said, \"John!\""
He said, "John!"
% echo "Filename: '$1'"
Filename: '/usr/bin/ls'
A backslash appearing inside an apostrophe-quoted string is retained and appears
in the string's value, because no substitutions occur inside an
apostrophe-quoted string. Inside a double-quoted string or a command
substitution using ', or in a normal unquoted word, a backslash has the effect
of suppressing shell interpretation of the character that follows it; the
backslash is then removed from the string. The following examples show the
effect of a backslash in all these contexts:
% echo "Double \" quote"
Double " quote
% echo Double \" quote
Double " quote
% echo 'Single \' quote
Single \ quote
% echo Single \' quote
Single ' quote
Working with Directories and the Directory Stack
C shell provides you with several built-in commands for working with
directories. The cd, chdir, pushd, and popd commands all change the current
directory in one way or another.
The pushd and popd commands provide a pushdown stack mechanism for changing
directories, and the dirs command displays the contents of the stack. If you
switch to another directory using pushd instead of cd, the pathname of your
previous directory is "saved" in the directory stack. A subsequent popd will
then return you to the previous directory. Be aware that the cd command does not
maintain the directory stack; you cannot use popd to return to a directory that
you left using cd.
Changing Directories—cd and chdir
In C shell, you can choose from two commands for changing your current working
directory: cd and chdir. The chdir command is equivalent to cd in every way. The
syntax for these commands is as follows:
cd [ name ]
chdir [ name ]
If you omit the name argument, the command attempts to change to the directory
whose pathname is given by the value of the C shell variable home; see the
section later in this chapter titled "Using Predefined Variables" for more about
If you specify a name, the cd or chdir command uses a search hierarchy to
attempt to locate the referenced directory, as follows:
If name begins with /, ./, or ../, the command attempts to switch to the
named directory; failure terminates the command immediately. In other words,
if you use a relative or absolute pathname, the specified directory must
exist and must be accessible to you, otherwise the command fails.
The command searches your current directory. A partial pathname, of the form
name1/name2/.../namen implies searching your current directory for the
entire subtree.
If the directory path cannot be found in your current directory, the command
checks to see if the variable cdpath exists and has a value. If it does,
then each of the directories named in cdpath is checked to see if it
contains name. If successful, the command changes to the name in that
directory and prints the full pathname of the new current directory.
If no variable cdpath exists, or if name cannot be found in any of the
directories listed in cdpath, the command checks to see if name is a
variable name and has a value beginning with /. If so, the command changes
to that directory.
If name still cannot be found, the command fails.
For more information about the cdpath variable, see the section titled "Using
Predefined Variables" later in this chapter.
The cd and chdir commands as implemented by the C shell provide a great deal of
flexibility in generating shortcuts for directory names. There is nothing more
painful than having to repeatedly type long directory names on the cd command.
The purpose of the cd command's search hierarchy is to provide some mechanisms
you can use for shortening a reference to a directory name. The cdpath variable
is your principal tool: if you set it to a list of directories you often
reference, you can switch to one of those directories just by giving the base
directory name. If cdpath is not sufficiently flexible to suit your needs, you
can define a shell variable as an alias for a directory's full pathname, then cd
varname will switch you to that directory for the price of a few keystrokes.
NOTE: When using a shell variable as a pseudonym for a directory path, you do
not need to write $ in front of the variable name; doing so is permitted and
also works because of the shell's variable substitution mechanism but is not
Listing the Directory Stack—dirs
The directory stack is a mechanism by which you can store and recall directories
you have changed to using the special change-directory commands pushd and popd,
discussed in the next two sections. The dirs command lists the directories in
the directory stack:
% dirs
/usr/home/john/bin /usr/home/john /usr/home/john/docs
Three directories are on the directory stack in this example for user john. The
first directory listed is the current directory (the one you would see if you
entered the pwd command). Directories to the right are previous directories, the
farthest to the right being the least recent. In this example, the directory
/usr/home/john/docs was the first directory to be changed to—that is, "pushed"
onto the pushdown directory stack, /usr/home/john was the next directory, and
/usr/home/john/bin was the directory most recently changed to (the current
Changing to a Directory Using the Directory Stack—pushd
To save the pathname of a directory on the directory stack, use the pushd
command to change to another directory. Using pushd saves the pathname of your
previous directory on the directory stack so that you can return to the previous
directory quickly and easily using the popd command. Use dirs to display the
directories currently saved on the pushdown stack.
There are three forms of the pushd command:
pushd name
pushd +n
Used in the form pushd, the command exchanges the top two directory stack
elements, making your previous directory the current and your current directory
the previous. Successive pushd commands used without an argument therefore
switch you back and forth between the top two directories.
Used in the form pushd name, the command changes to directory name in the same
way as cd would have; pushd uses the cdpath directory list to resolve name, and
succeeds or fails in the same cases as cd. The pathname of the current directory
is saved in a directory stack prior to the change. The directory stack is an
implicit array variable maintained by the shell (which you cannot access
directly) so that each pushd adds the current directory on the left and pushes
all existing entries to the right; the top (or first) element is always your
current directory, and subsequent entries are the pathnames of your previous
directories in reverse order. The popd command discards the top stack entry and
changes to the new top entry, reducing the total number of items stacked by one.
Use the form pushd +n to do a circular shift of the directory stack by n
positions, changing to the new top directory. A circular shift treats the list
of elements as if they were in a ring, with the first preceded by the last and
the last followed by the first; the shift changes your position in the ring
without deleting any of the elements. Consider the following example:
% dirs
/home/john /home/mary /home/doggie /home/witherspoon
% pushd +2
% dirs
/home/doggie /home/witherspoon /home/john /home/mary
Note that both before and after the pushd, /home/john precedes /home/mary, and
/home/doggie precedes /home/witherspoon. The example also shows that, for the
purpose of the pushd +n command form, /home/witherspoon (the last entry) is
effectively followed by /home/john (the first entry).
Returning to a Previous Directory Using the Directory Stack—popd
After you have saved directories on the directory stack with pushd, you can use
popd to return to a previous directory. The syntax for the popd command is as
popd [ +n ]
The following example shows the use of pushd, dirs, and popd together:
% pwd
% pushd /usr/spool
% pushd uucppublic
% pushd receive
% dirs
/usr/spool/uucppublic/receive /usr/spool/uucppublic /usr/spool
% popd
% dirs
/usr/spool/uucppublic /usr/spool /usr/home/john
% popd
% dirs
/usr/spool /usr/home/john
% popd
% dirs
Used in the form popd +n, the command deletes the nth entry in the stack. Stack
entries are numbered from 0, which is your current directory.
Changing the Active Shell
The C shell provides a number of commands for changing the active shell.
Although your login shell may be the C shell, you are not limited to it; you can
change your shell to Bourne shell or the Korn shell at any time using the exec
command. The exit and logout commands also change the active shell, by returning
you to the shell that was active before your current shell: issued from your
login shell, they return you to the login screen, which is itself a kind of
shell (of somewhat limited functionality).
Other commands, such as umask and nohup, change the manner in which UNIX treats
the shell.
In order to make the best use of the information in this section, you should
also read Part IV, Process Control, later in this book, which describes some of
the UNIX mechanisms these commands are designed to manipulate.
Invoking a New Shell—exec
The exec command transfers control to the specified command, replacing the
current shell. The command you specify becomes your new current shell. The
syntax of the exec command is as follows:
exec command
Nearly always, command should be a shell invocation command such as csh, sh, or
ksh. Control cannot be returned to the invoking environment because it is
replaced by the new environment. Shell variables exported with the setenv
command will be passed to the new shell in the usual manner; all other command
contexts, including local variables and aliases, will be lost.
The exec command is equivalent to the Bourne shell exec.
Exiting from the Current Shell—exit
The exit command causes the current shell invocation to be exited. Its syntax is
as follows:
exit [ (exp) ]
If issued from within a shell script, the shell script is terminated and control
returns to the invoking shell. If issued from your login shell, the .logout
script in your home directory will be executed before the shell exits. Normally,
the UNIX operating system will redisplay a login screen after an exit from the
login shell.
If you provide the optional exp argument (which must be enclosed in
parentheses), the argument is evaluated as an arithmetic expression, and the
resulting value is used as the shell's exit code; otherwise, the current value
of the status variable is taken as the shell's exit code. The status variable is
described in the section "Using Predefined Variables" later in this chapter.
Invoking the System Login Procedure—login
Use the login command to log out from your current shell and to immediately log
in under the same or a different user ID. Its syntax is as follows:
login name [ arg ... ]
Using this shell built-in command is not quite equivalent to logging out in the
normal manner and then logging in. If you use the login command from a remote
terminal, the line connection will not be dropped, whereas logging out in the
normal manner drops the line and requires you to re-establish the connection
before you can log in again.
You cannot execute the login built-in command from a subshell; it is legal only
for your login shell.
For name, specify the user name you want to log in with. Any arguments you
specify after name are passed to the /bin/login command and are defined by
/bin/login, not by the shell.
Exiting from a Login Shell—logout
Use the logout command to log out from your login shell.
You can also terminate the login shell (or any subshell) with the exit command.
If you have the ignoreeof option set, you cannot use the EOF key to exit from
the shell; in such a case, use logout or exit. See the section "Using Predefined
Variables" for a definition of the ignoreeof option.
Preventing a Command from Terminating Execution after Logout—nohup
Use the nohup command to run a command that is insensitive to the Hangup signal.
nohup [ command ]
The UNIX operating system always sends a Hangup signal (signal 1) to a process
when its process group leader logs out. The net effect is that normally any
command you are running when you log out is terminated. (Although you can't
ordinarily issue the logout or exit command, or enter an EOF character, while
you are running a command, you can always force a logout by turning off your
terminal, or if using a remote terminal connection, by hanging up the line.)
When you invoke a command with nohup, the shell effectively disables the Hangup
signal so that the command cannot receive it, thus allowing command to continue
to execute after you log out.
You can disable the Hangup signal for your interactive shell or from within a
shell script using the trap built-in command, and binary programs written in the
C language can also disable or ignore the Hangup signal. However, not all
commands do this. If you use nohup to invoke the command, you are assured that
the Hangup signal will be ignored whether or not the command disables the
Use nohup with no arguments from within a shell script to disable the Hangup
signal for the duration of the script.
Use nohup command to run command with the signal disabled.
Displaying and Setting the Process File Creation Mask—umask
The process file creation mask (sometimes, for purposes of brevity, called the
umask), is an attribute of the shell process, just like the current directory is
a process attribute. The purpose of the file creation mask is to specify the
default permissions assigned to new files you create, for example when
redirecting the output of a command to a file with the > operator. It would be
extremely inconvenient if the system prompted you for file permissions every
time it created a file, especially since most of the time you would assign the
same permissions to all new files.
If you're not familiar with file permissions, you may want to review the section
"File Security" in Chapter 3, "The UNIX File System." Briefly, file permissions
are little flags that UNIX associates which each file. The flags indicate
whether the file can be read, written, or executed, and by whom.
The file creation mask is a device you use for indicating what permissions UNIX
is to assign to a new file by default. If you want some other access permissions
for a file, the usual approach is to first create the file, then change the
file's permissions with the chmod command.
The file creation mask itself is a binary value consisting of nine bits,
corresponding to each of the permission bits for a file. As a matter of
convention, the nine bits are represented by three octal digits, with each digit
representing three bits. The file creation mask is therefore a value expressed
in octal as three octal digits. The use of octal number representation for the
file creation mask is a matter of convention, not necessity, yet the umask
command does not allow you to use any other number form for displa>
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