English 版 (精华区)
发信人: train (当时的月亮), 信区: English
标 题: Downsizing 裁员
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Tue Apr 18 09:04:13 2000), 转信
1. Our company is in the process of downsizing.
2. Our company is currently making some serious cutbacks.
3. Our company is laying off a lot of employees.
4. Our company is getting lean.
5. Our company is cutting back on our workforce.
getting lean: 俚语,意思是“所雇佣的人员逐渐减少”
Lucy: I hear you want to find another job. Is that true?
Lily: Yes. I'm now pounding the pavement for a new job.
Lucy: Why? Aren't you satisfied with your present job?
Lily: Actually I am. But our company is currently making some
serious cutbacks.
Lucy: Cutting back on your workforce? Are you one of them who will
Lily: Yes. This is why I am seeking another job.
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM:]
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