English 版精华公布栏


1 The Creation of the World Stiga2003-07-07
2 开天辟地 Stiga2003-07-07
3 The Beginnings of History Stiga2003-07-07
4 人世之初 Stiga2003-07-07
5 Man's First Sin Stiga2003-07-07
6 始祖犯戒 Stiga2003-07-07
7 Cain Killed His Brother Stiga2003-07-07
8 该隐杀弟 Stiga2003-07-07
9 Noah's Ark Stiga2003-07-07
10 挪亚方舟 Stiga2003-07-07
11 The Tower of Babel Stiga2003-07-07
12 巴别城塔 Stiga2003-07-07
13 Finding Shelter in Egypt Stiga2003-07-07
14 寄居埃及 Stiga2003-07-07
15 Hagar Bore Ishmael Stiga2003-07-07
16 纳妾生子 Stiga2003-07-07
17 Abram' s Covenant with God Stiga2003-07-07
18 更名立约 Stiga2003-07-07
19 The Destruction of Sodom Stiga2003-07-07
20 灭所多玛 Stiga2003-07-07
21 The Birth of Isaac Stiga2003-07-07
22 百岁得子 Stiga2003-07-07
23 The Marriage of Isaac Stiga2003-07-07
24 故里娶妻 Stiga2003-07-07
25 The birth of the Messiah Stiga2003-07-07
26 基督降生 Stiga2003-07-07
27 John the Baptist Stiga2003-07-07
28 圣徒约翰 Stiga2003-07-07
29 The Temptation by Satan Stiga2003-07-07
30 撒旦试探 Stiga2003-07-07
31 The First Batch of Disciples Stiga2003-07-07
32 初收门徒 Stiga2003-07-07
33 To Turn Water into Wine Stiga2003-07-07
34 变水为酒 Stiga2003-07-07
35 《圣经》典故(一)zz seankok2006-08-19
36 《圣经》典故(二)zz seankok2006-08-19
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