Poetry 版精华公布栏

叶芝 (W.B.Yeats)

1 作者简介 windly2001-08-01
2 当你老了 fzx2001-08-01
3 windly2001-08-01
4 深深的誓言 windly2001-08-01
5 印度人的恋歌 windly2001-08-01
6 一位友人的疾病 windly2001-08-01
7 诗人致他的爱 windly2001-08-01
8 思想的气球 windly2001-08-01
9 圣徒和驼子 windly2001-08-01
10 驶向拜占庭 windly2001-08-01
11 在学童中间 windly2001-08-01
12 安魂曲 fzx2001-08-01
13 深沉的誓言 fzx2001-08-01
14 随时间而来的智慧 fzx2001-08-01
15 人随岁月长进 fzx2001-08-01
16 我的书本去的地方 fzx2001-08-01
17 记忆 fzx2001-08-01
18 记忆 (2) fzx2001-08-01
19 走过黄柳园 fzx2001-08-01
20 本布尔本山下 fzx2001-08-01
21 他给他爱人的诗韵 fzx2001-08-01
22 他想要天国的衣裳 fzx2001-08-01
23 酒歌 fzx2001-08-01
24 学者 fzx2001-08-01
25 旋转 azuresea2001-08-01
26 我易分心 azuresea2001-08-01
27 茵纳斯弗利岛 azuresea2001-08-01
28 死亡 azuresea2001-08-01
29 长脚蚊 azuresea2001-08-01
30 长时间沉默后 azuresea2001-08-01
31 词 语 azuresea2001-08-01
32 一九一六年复活节 tst2001-08-01
33 和解 azuresea2001-08-01
34 寒冷的天穹 azuresea2001-08-01
35 另外的面孔 azuresea2001-08-01
36 秘密的玫瑰 azuresea2001-08-01
37 那丧失的东西 azuresea2001-08-01
38 他讲着绝伦的美 azuresea2001-08-01
39 天青石雕 azuresea2001-08-01
40 致他的心,叫它别害怕 windly2001-08-01
41 白鸟 windly2001-08-01
42 叶芝诗英文版全集 上卷 windly2001-08-01
43 叶芝诗英文版全集 中卷 windly2001-08-01
44 叶芝诗英文版全集 下卷 windly2001-08-01
45 Yeats: responsibilities windly2001-08-01
46 Yeats: The wild swans at Coole windly2001-08-01
47 Yeats: the wind among the reeds windly2001-08-01
48 When You are old windly2001-08-01
49 The Cold Heaven windly2001-08-01
50 The Lake Isle Of Innisfree windly2001-08-01
51 Leda and the Swan windly2001-08-01
52 The Wild Swans at Coole windly2001-08-01
53 The Sorrow of Love windly2001-08-01
54 Never Give All The Heart windly2001-08-01
55 The Hosting of the Sidhe windly2001-08-01
56 The Everlasting Voices windly2001-08-01
57 The Moods windly2001-08-01
58 Aedh tells of the Rose in his Hear windly2001-08-01
59 The Host of the Air windly2001-08-01
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